Marrying a divorced man with 2 kids

ANU0001 - Apr 16 2014 at 12:23
Hi, I am 28 and I met a divorced man recently with 2 kids which he confessed later. He is in his 40s and his marriage broke mostly because of financial issues and his wife not paying or supporting for anything and sending lot of money to his brother. He had this doubt of his ex wife being physically, mentally, emotionally too close to his brother of which he was taking advantage. He says he is done with that woman and she is not for him. Its she who left and took huge money for claim for herself and kids. Custody of both kids is with her who are 10 and 15 yrs old. I feel lot of love care and respect with him. He is in no rush to marry and wanna give it more time if needed. My parents will surely have objection with this.. I am confused if I should continue talking to him or stop.
Sweet Anu0001,
I always tell everyone it takes a very special person, whether it be man or woman, to take on And---Accept-----someone with baggage. When you hook up with them, you are Also catering to their caboose as well, and this takes careful consideration for this type of relationship.
No, I am sure he is in "No rush" to walk down the rose garden at this point, and it's good to start out slowly, getting to know one another. But somewhere down And around the mulberry bush, you will be learning the ropes in this relationship, that his kids are a priority, his Ex May be a problem at times, and all of this mayhem may come back to bite you in some way or another. I have seen it happen more than once.
As far as your parents "will surely have an objection with this," never mind them. Leave them out of this loop hole. You are 28 years old, living on your own, I would assume, and even if not, you are old enough to decide who you want to date, and if they are currently Not putting bread on your table, your choice to either hang in there with him or toss him away like the bridal bouquet, should Not be because of them, but because you are mature enough to do this with no outside influence.
Good luck.xx
Hi I would run a mile girl. He is far too old for a start and I read your other post and this is not a good position to be in.
Don't even bother looking things up about him just cut all contact and please move on .
You doubt is correct your gut says something is not right .......
Get out now before your life is ruined...