Any answer for this problem, relationship

OLDMAN1960 - Apr 16 2014 at 20:31
doe anyone have a good anwser.because i,m about to walk away.just have to find strengh.first problem is sex.i don,t ask much maybe 1 or two times a month.when i do it,s a aeguement.she can,t open her legs or get in a i can do my,s always hell.are if i say so .stop asking me then.are you need to stop looking at porn.i do that because i can,t ask my wife.the secong problem is her son.he,s 30 something.don,t pay bills.i always have to pick up after them both.can,t buy his own food,don,t want to work onlyrap,to me that,s playing with kids.if i say clean up.his mother says it,s ok.if i say keep the lights off if your not useing it,s ok.i take the trash out.clean the house ,cook, shevel snow .everything .no help.i,m tired.theres a list of problems. thank you for your help
Sorry to hear you are being taken advantage of.
How long have you been together for?
Everyone has different levels of sex drives and I've known families to be torn apart because they are so different and didn't communicate enough.
It sounds like you are trying to, but are not getting anything back. Have you mentioned you are considering walking away?
we been together four years.and by the way married but she doen,t use my last name.and i,ve been to the point of haveing my things packed in my van.all i hadto do was wait until the next day.the va had a place for me
Why are they taking you so much for granted? You can't live a life this unhappy!I guess you have taken the best decision here, that is to leave.
Why are you feeling you don't have the strength to leave? Can you live a full life like this for many many more years? And what do you stand to lose? I can't find that you are getting anything at all in this relation that you wish to save it.
Sweet Oldman1960,
This situation sounds all too familiar, and I know people in my own life who are living your same story. Yes, I can relate to this whole saga.
Your wife won't "open and spread" for sex because she is losing her sex drive. It's just not with you, it could be with a movie star, doesn't matter. And because of the incessant problems I am quite sure there are in your home, it's making her tired, stressed out, and-----"not in the mood."
As far as her lethargic, worthless 30 year old baby goes, you need to stop what I call being an "Enabler." An enabler is someone who constantly picks up the pieces----and even like you, the bills, their things-----for a loser. It has to stop. You need to put an end to it, or you will be doing this until this snot nose is even 50.
Your problems go way beyond the "trash and the porn." The list goes on, I'm sure, and if you don't lay down the law, you will end up with no wife, no marriage, and just your Porn pleasure.
Give sonny a choice and tell him to march his lazy butt out the door and find a job. And give him a time line. Your wife isn't helping as well by being her own sweet enabler, for she is just as bad at picking up this bum as you are being Mr. Mom and Mr. Workhorse.
Your wife and you need to sit down and have a serious talk about everything. Your marriage and even sex life are All going down the toilet because of this wuss. Something has to be done, decided on, or you will lose, not only your once happy haven, but your mind as well.
Good luck.xx