The player

EMILYRICKERBY_ - Apr 18 2014 at 00:14
(This is going to be a long post guys) So there's this boy who I used to talk to a lot and in a flirty way last summer up until October time when my friend told me he was trouble and would only hurt me because everyone knows that he's a lad and a bit of a player so I listened to her and a few weeks later I found out they had been talking in a flirty way a week before I stopped speaking to him. So my friend basically warned me of him for her own benefit and I got mad at her and didn't speak to her for a while, but eventually I let it go and they're still talking now. However recently this boy has started speaking to me again and flirting with me, at this time I had thought my friend and this boy had stopped talking as they had an argument a few weeks before and she had told me they weren't talking so I felt I was doing nothing wrong and it was just harmless flirting. So me and him started seeing each other and stuff but nothing ever happened apart from a few hugs. Meanwhile I found out e was talking to my friend again and the other day they met up and kissed & he went to see her today yet at the same time he's still talking to me. This has really hurt me and I told myself I wouldn't fall for him again but I have and I feel like I'm starting to like him but I don't want to like him, I just don't know what to do about the whole situation!
Sweet EmilyRickerby,
Apparently your friend knew what she was talking about, no matter what the "benefit," for Now he is switching from You to Her, only doing More than "hugging." I guess you know now he Is this "lad and a bit of a player."
He most likely wasn't as interested in you, or you would have been lip locking instead of your friend, whom he is talking to again. You both never really had anything going, nor did it seem as though you were Exclusive Nor Official.
It seems you have met your match. However, you are going to have to be a good sport and just "let it go." I realize you like him, but what is the sense of trying to stay in the game, when this player has chosen the pawn he wants at the moment on his board?
Stay friends, but don't flirt or lead him on or allow him to do the same. This type of guy has a queen in every back pocket, and is always fickle as a pickle as to kiss and who to Do as a----Hit and miss.
You deserve better.xx
Hi this guy is having a ball here playing one again the other.
It is ALL about his EGO that is it. Both of you don't mean much to him. He is far too young to understand he is full of hormones and right now his identity is formed by how many girls he can get to love him.
Friendships are valuable, I think you must miss her..... she is probably the one you go to when you are upset.
Your feelings for him are based on rejection and competition with your friend, he kissed her and anything he does with you will be meaningless.... just like the kiss with your friend is meaningless. too much confusion here.
Please do not let this gut get in the way of a friendship. She is lost god help her be the stronger one here and rise above it. He may not seem to be so appealing when he is not placing your friend as an obstacle. His game is to get you both apart so he can two time both of you.
Be a friend and tell her the truth of what this is all about, have the sense to see past this game , he is playing with both of your emotions.
I know this is not want you want to here , I know you are looking for a clear pathway to win the guy and be loved by him etc.... but this guy has not got any of the values for that. Put value on yourself, your friend is going to get hurt badly, be there when she does.
Let's say that you somehow get this boy to be in a relationship with you. He stops flirting with your friend and says he likes you back. Could you trust him? Would you be able to take his word for that he is not flirting with other girls behind your back? Especially after he has already done it twice (that you know, risk is that it has happened more often). Is this kind of relationship worth losing a friend over?
I think you should talk to your friend about this. Even if she did a shitty thing to you she should know that he hasn't changed and probably wont. After she knows you can consider you job well done. Wash your hand and walk away even if she chooses to stay with him. It is no longer your problem.