Should I trust him again?
HAPPYHENRIETTA - Apr 18 2014 at 22:17
We'll this is a good one. I'm 47, been with my hubby since I was 18 and have 3 kids , 2 cats and a dog ! A few months my hubby s DBS declaring convictions came through the post with a conviction for soliciting prostitutes 10 yrs ago. No mention was ever made of it and it came completely out of the blue . I was actually sick when I discovered it ! When confronted he said it was a setup and nothing happened and that he had just stopped at the lights and she came over and then the police appeared put of nowhere on a cleanup operation ! Christ what do I do ? What do I believe ? HH.
If you trusted him and he respected you, he would have mentioned it when it happened 10 ten yeas ago.
If your relationship was solid, he would have discussed it with you then and there if he felt he was setup, just as you would have expected that he discuss it.
Sweet HappyHenrietta,
If you have been with your hubby since 18, and for all these years he has been faithful, has never given you a sign that he cheated, then my motto in life has always been: Let sleeping dogs lie.
It was 10 years ago, and although you are very stressed out about it, he most likely is feeling More-------in humiliation.
Whether it is true or not, let it go. It's not Worth ruining a marriage over, and whatever "mistake" or even "misunderstanding" with this lewd encounter, is in the past.
Put it to bed and move on.xx
Change your focus from this one incident into the whole life you have spent with him. How has he been towards you and kids? Has he broken your trust any other time other than this once? Now that he is caught does he feel guilty that he didn't share this with you earlier?
After so many years you both have invested in each other, I feel we can let go of a mistake that happened 10 yrs ago. Anyone can make a mistake but the question is will they repeat it?
It is in the past , and you know him right?and trust him?
I do wonder why he never told you about it years ago when it happened.....
This is a shock to your life and relationship, it will have you looking back..... you mustn't do that for long......
i would suggest you go to counseling you are going to need somebody outside, objective on this one.
Good luck with it.
HAPPYHENRIETTA It seems to me that you are giving this issue some weight in your life, and it is causing pain. It is my life's passion to help people in situations like this, and I would love to help you! I work as a Strategic Intervention Coach and I help people take severe life-altering situations and turn them around in a snap. I would love to have a session or two with you and show you how you can "get over it" as everyone seems to be advising. If you are interested, contact me at [e-mail address removed].