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Dealing with different opinions in a relationship

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hello, my girlfriend and i are having difficulty communicating and we are at great odds in an incident that recently occured.some background; i was in a 7 yr relationship and recently ended it to be with my present girlfriend. my ex recently was trying to contact me thrue text msgs. my present girlfriend intercepted the msg and text back acting as if she were me. my present girlfriend have had some strained times lately and had packed her baggs and was going to leave,( we are living together)she was saying she was going to kill herself and said she hated me. she wanted to leave but was having a hard time actually leaving...wanting to but not really wanting to.with out my present girlfriend knowing i had called my ex,not to try to be with her but wanting to remain friends mutually.she had said that her phone bill was due and service would be terminated the following day. i said that i possibly could help her out with a few bucks not to pay bill but just help her out with say, 20 bucks. present girlfriend finds out, i had lied to avoid the bull(bleep)i gave no cash but because i offered it , she feels betrayed. i dont see it as that big of a deal. need anothers opinion

Dealing with different opinions in a relationship

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Your GF has issues with insecurity. She also has controlled you to an extent that you will lie to her rather than tell her truth and cop the hassle. She can only feel betrayed by your actions if she feels that you're not 'faithful' to her 100% and she feels threatened by your gesture to your ex. Aside from this, seven years is a long time to be in a relationship and you need to ensure that you're well and truly over your ex before you'll be any good to anyone else. At the same time, there's nothing wrong with being kind and considerate to your ex within reason and your current GF needs to understand this and needs to open her eyes to what sort of person you are. If she can't embrace who you are, then I'm sorry, you need to ensure that when she packs her bags, she keeps on going. Quite likely, if you stay together and given your GF's issues, there will only be more bullshit to deal with further down the track.

Dealing with different opinions in a relationship

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You need to give yourself and your ex more time before you get into another relationship. Its natural that your current GF feels insecure coz she views your ex with the suspicion that the ex could win you back. No amount of convincing from you will get her to believe that its not possible. (Thats where the time apart would have helped but here you don't have that advantage). You are justified in helping your ex. But if you have had to do it secretly then there is is lack of trust and understanding in the relation. Since that is the basis of any relationship, you could be headed to more issues and trouble if you both don't work on it.

Dealing with different opinions in a relationship

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You left your ex for your new girlfriend, tell me if I'm wrong but were you cheating on your ex with her? If so of course she will wonder whether you will now cheat on her especially when you are being contacted by your ex behind her back. Why didn't you tell her? Why does your ex think you will lend her financial support or is it an excuse to get your attention. My opinion is that it appears you may not have been very fair to either of these women and instead of letting your guilt cloud your judgment and feelings. I think you should look at your actions and emotions honestly and work out how you will deal with future situations more fairly. No one likes to feel second best when they are in love. good luck

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