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Infatuated with my college professor

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I am taking an Aircraft Maintenance course in college, and am currently in my third and final year of study. I can not stop thinking about my college professor, the authority he holds in the class room and the hanger during class is super sexy. He's also a cowboy always shows up in a hat boots and a belt buckle. He's married with kids, and I don't want to be a home wrecker, but I've been flirting showing a little skin, trying To sleep with him. I know he likes me, I'm the top student in his class, he spends one one on one time with me when were are working on projects and assignments, when he tells a joke he always looks to see if I laugh (which I do because he's super funny. He's caught me starring and twirling my hair, and winks at me. Exams are in a few days, and after exams are done our program holds an end of the year party at a local bar which I Think is my best chance. I hate thinking that if I did go through with this that I would be hurting his wife if she every found out, but at the same time this is a huge fantasy of mine, and my time is running out, I don't want to be 'the other woman' I just want one night

Infatuated with my college professor

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DONT BE A WHORE! You said he has a family and kids! You know it would break up his family and yet you still want to do it. And your willing to do it just to scratch your ich T_T please don't, think of the kids. What if some chick had tried to do that with your dad and messed up your family? But by what I can tell from what you just wrote you probably didn't come from a good family anyways. And if you did you are putting them to shame. I don't want to be mean but you can really destroy this family and just because he is flirting with you and even if he's up to mess around with you your always going to be the bad one. Men one way or another find a way to be seen as the victim and your labeled the whore. And if you do go with your ich just realize that it could happen to you in a relationship or marriage and even if it doesn't you might get a bit paranoid that your wrongs might come back and bite you in the ass. Just think about it more don't mess up someone's family. And just know he prabably does that with every female student.

Infatuated with my college professor

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There is a name for people in your category and that is called a cheap slut. You may have noticed I didnt even put you in a category of 'women' because its your sort who give other respectable women a bad name. If this Professor is daft enough to give in to your slutty innuendos, I too hope he has one fantasy which is to use you, abuse you and leave you...heart broken!! P.S. Good luck with your finals! Your parents must be so proud of you!!!!

Infatuated with my college professor

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Hi well I don't know what to say to you. What are you avoiding in life? Are you scared of the unknown? the future? I think you are using him as an escape, you need protecting from something..... he gives you attention and is pleasant to you, I take it no body ever really saw you before. It can happen that a male role model teachers, etc. Can become father figures unconsciously. He makes you feel safe? That is why you are expressing yourself so intimately, you trust in him. Be careful here, you are vulnerable and he should have the compassion to really SEE YOU.... and not get caught up in the seduction/fantasy. I do believe on some level you are approaching something, the end of something a loss,and this is your way of coping..... I think all of this is a you telling the world, ' help me,protect me'. You think low of yourself and I think this is an opportunity for you to hang on to yourself here. I believe you are a odd person, you would not have wrote here and mentioned his kids etc.. that tell me on some level that you, are reaching out, something is telling this is not quiet right or safe for you? Sweet heart it is not safe. When you go to the party,please tell your friends whats happening to you, have someone on your side please. Do not isolate yourself. Keep him as a nice memory of a man..... think of his kindness etc.... send your love into the future ..... to someone available who shares his qualities..... you will find them again.

Infatuated with my college professor

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I meant good person...... not odd .....

Infatuated with my college professor

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Hi the sooner this part of your life is over the better ........ I just hope this man has the cop on to walk away....

Infatuated with my college professor

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partypython, Well that was entertaining to read and honestly the whole time I was reading it I couldn't take you seriously and totally forgot that you were a smart college student finishing up your final year. If what your doing with your college professor is true than I'm pretty sure he doesn't take you seriously either. IF you two were to engage in this adulterous activity it would be more than just a night of fun. Possible scenarios: 1. You get pregnant 2. His wife finds out than finds you---enough said 3. You want more and this becomes a whole storm of F-upped 4. He wants more and now you have to avoid him Good luck using him as an honest reference because you are putting yourself and your career at risk. Not to mention if someone finds out, that will be a shit-load-pile of awkward. "He's married with kids, and I don't want to be a home wrecker" -----that by the way is the definition of a home wrecker. Its totally innocent to find a married man attractive, and maybe you can't help but flirt but if you do sleep with him, will you really be able to look back at yourself and be ok with that. The physical satisfaction will be short-lived but the long-term result could cause some serious damage. What if you were in his wife's position?

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