No place to call home

PROBLEMCHILD - May 10 2014 at 01:22
Currently I am an eighteen year old girl who lives with my much older boyfriend. I moved in with him because I absolutely cannot stand living with my own family. They are disgusting, rude, obnoxious and annoying. The problem is, my boyfriends family isn't much better either and he lives with them. He has two children, which I think they are extremely spoiled and entitled. His parents are very disrespectful to me when I have never been disrespectful to me. Along with many other problems.
The problem is, I don't have a home. A home is a place where you can relax, be comfortable, be yourself and just feel safe. I don't feel like this at either places. So I often go back and fourth when I get too sick of one place.
Next, I don't love my boyfriend anymore I don't think. He's not the guy he was when we first began dating. He's become this rude, disrespectful, unsupportive guy. He constantly tells me I'm nothing without him, how dumb I am, how I'm lazy and uses the things he does for me to force me to do things I don't want to. He's become very controlling and allows his family to be disrespectful to me. I've talked to him many times about this, but he acts like I'm the problem. I've tried to do nothing but be nice, loving, supportive and much more. He also tells me he doesn't think I can achieve any of my goals.
I'm sick of him and I'm sick of his family. My plan is to be with him throughout the summer so I can get somethings done like get my license and buying a car, pretty much get things done with him that I won't be able to get done living with my mom, then at the end of the summer move out and break up with him for good. He's broken my heart so bad so many times.
He doesn't allow me to be myself and always tells me whats wrong with me and and never tells me what I do right.
I kinda feel bad for pretty much making a plan to use him and then leave him, but I don't at the same time because I want to show him I don't need him and I don't have a problem walking out on him. Not only that, but I don't know where I should go after I leave. I hate living with my mom, that's the reason why I'm here because even though its bad here too, its better than being at my moms place. I need serious advice. I just got a job and my drivers permit and I have 3 more goals to complete until I can achieve all of my summer goals. Please help if you can.
Just a basic answear I'm sorry what's going on in ur life but the easiest thing to try n do is for u to try and get away and find or mate ur own home this guy and his family are not the sort of people u should be surrounded by it will start to take its toll on u and u may be affected by his influences when ur round ur friends or at work as for ur family mines are the same the attitude towards me was rubbing off on me and I was passing it on to my friends the best thing I done was getting away and I've not looked back. I learned that u can't find happiness uve to make it because once uve made it its urs and no one can remove that
Sweetheart I am 46 after buying my home and losing it in in the crash. All you need to do is to work at your age and get your own independence to get your own home. Now one can take that. Or go to council homeless move on and don't be so dependant. Get a job and do something with your life.
Sweetheart I am 46 after buying my home and losing it in in the crash. All you need to do is to work at your age and get your own independence to get your own home. Now one can take that. Or go to council homeless move on and don't be so dependant. Get a job and do something with your life.
Hello?? No one desreves to be treated like that! You have to make the right decisions for you, no one else is, u can't take responsibility for other people. Boyfriend not boyfriend no one desrves to be treated like that. Not right. I wud say patch things up and get the hell out. You haveto be in a good place. So go get it. It sounds like u sought him to replace the void with your mom. Realize that and make sure to fill the void with proper and healthy things.
Good luck!
So shud be able to get a an apt to rent even for the meanwhile to work things out. Find some friends/Ppl to rent ewith