First date

SUPERLA - May 10 2014 at 03:01
I asked this guy online if he wanted to come to the lacrosse game so he decided he wanted to and bought a ticket.
I met him there with my friend with us as well. He showed up super late.
Anyway at the end of the game I wanted to get to know him more and it probably was not the best idea but I brought him back to my place and we went for a hot tub and then watched a movie. We kissed and cuddled lots. At the end of the movie he asked me if i wanted to go to his place and stay the night. At first I was hesitant because my last experience guys just let me off the hook but then I decided to go with him to his place. I was kind of feeling like I was being tugged to not go to his place but I did anyway/
I slept with him. We messed around in bed.
And then now we have not been in contact. The day I left in the morning I sent him a text message later on asking if he wanted to come for dinner and he responded saying he already had plans. So then I asked him a couple days later if he wants to get together again and he never responded. A couple days later I said ok well you could have been honest with me and one night stand? and I have not heard from him for both of those text messages.
I think he is gone.
He used you for sex. Men usually like the chase, if you give it so easily they don't have much to lose when they bail. Hold off on the sex until you get to know them better and know they aren't the type to use someone just for sex.
We did not have sex though. We messed around in bed. like half naked
Hi I am sorry what a horrible thing to happen.
But look at the signs this was not going good from the beginning he turned up late,that is not a good sign .
I am going to be straight and tell you that because you went to such an intimate place (bath fooling around )with a guy that you did not know from Adam,after a couple of hours speaks,sets the tone for causal sex.
The no contact shame on him, but alot of guys do that.....
You may never hear from him again .... or you may and if you do it could very well be that he just wants sex.
Wipe the slate clean and move on from this one. It started out all wrong you ave yourself away too quick. It is over honey .
Last word of warning.......the stats are high of guys online who just want a hookup. He got that so he will be lurking for more if not from you then someone else.
You will get hurt here if you continue, mind yourself,no guy will, its not their job...... its yours... respect your body more..... I am not judging you but too many girls get hurt by this behavior. Stay clear of sites in the future and keep this tale to yourself, do not tell other guys your online experience they will only hear what they want to hear.
I am wanting to call him and be like I am so sorry!! I just wanted to be friends and I ruined it.
I know people are telling me not to be too hard on myself. But he seemed like such a nice guy and he would have been a nice friend to hang out with. :(
Leave it. Call him. Text him. Wait for him.
What do I do?
Great feedback!!!
Also, What is a good first date when meeting a guy for the first time?
I was thinking a walk. Coffee?
I don't know.
Okay. So i met this one guy but not in person yet. We have just been texting and he is talking about getting together. So Date #1 is okay for him to text me for. but then at the date tell him I don't like texting?
so instead of keeping texting ill ask him to get together
There is a message here to be learned and sometimes in life, they themselves have to walk head first into the wall (even though it has broken glass on top) to learn what it is they are not acknowledging.
You are needy, overbearing, think the problem here is about texting.......
It has nothing to do with the method of communication. You went to an intimate place too quick ........ he is not that into you..... I personally think he was like that from the start......
You just do not want to admit where you went wrong..... you are looking for answers from him....... its done!!!!
I can guarantee that if he does text you again ...... it will be .......when he wants sex....... he will text you with some excuse for why he was distant ......that you will be dying to hear...and the same behavior from him will happen again........ why because you allowed it and rewarded it.....
He used you,you used him. Can you see how you sold yourself down a river? Why should he see you again when he could find a girl who respects herself more....... challenges him, has some depth and character.....
By the way I am not saying you do not posses those qualities ...... I am saying that you should him a part of you that should be protected by you....... too intimate..... your space......
you gave too much too soon
Okay so ROXY…. He texted me yesterday saying he wish he could have taken we out last night. And I replied sure you would. and he said I would :P
Then I sent a smile back.
I DO REALIZE TEXTING IS AWFUL BUT right now I am okay with it as I haven't met him yet. In order to meet him there needs to be some sort of communication.
Roxy, I understand what you are saying. I am coming on as easy. Although I met this guy online first of all. So have never met him in person.
I know this is fake and unrealistic.
Could I get you to recommend to me something… I know this online dating world is out of proportion. The best thing for me to do is just ask him to go on a date. I think enough of this texting!
Ya so we are supposed to have a date. However in the past couple days I don't know how i feel about it due to our text messages. Plus we haven't even set up where we are meeting for the date yet and it is in a day.
He wanted to skype with me but his camera isn't working
So I told him bulllshit no I am not. ID like to see you.
So basically he wanted me to skype him without me seeing him but him seeing me. Awkward!!! Totally sketch.
Anyway so now due to this I feel like maybe the date won't work out. We have stopped texting and not sure what is going to happen.
I am not going to text him to follow up if the date is still on or not.....