Any help or is it too late!

JIMMYJOKER - May 13 2014 at 04:56
I have a confession to write so at least I can feel some sort of little comfortable and satisfied:
Now I'm a 24 years OLD man who feels that he's alone on this dull planet. Once I became 24, I felt I'm so old and totally unable to achieve any of my "previous" goals about my life specially those related to being a scientist geek and an entrepreneur.
The problem started in the last quarter of 2013 when I met my Moroccan friend who I consider such a model for a successful woman. We got to know each other pretty well. She introduced me to her family. They were all so kind and peaceful with me and we got deeper and deeper in so many conversations about so many issues. One of these issues was the one that completely destroyed my life. It was "being that age and still single ".
Actually, I've never thought of being single that deep before. I mean, yes I was thinking of that but lightly. I tried to dig deeper and deeper into my personality and my qualifications or I'd call it 'my disadvantages'
Let me talk about my features or qualifications. I'm a handsome guy, smart with a high sense of expectancy, I can tell jokes, make others smile and I play violin and love music and everything related to art and beauty.
Now let's talk a lot and a lot about my disadvantages:
Physically, I am that overweight guy at the beginning of obesity a little over 200 pounds and yes I have that booby chest which I'm not sure if it's considered a gynaecomastia or just some deposit of fats. I have also not a big butt but an observable one. My belly is a little big too. I'm wearing a prescription glasses But I can tell that I have a total of a pretty looking face. So, I'd sum that all up by saying that my sexual appeal for girls is very low if not close to zero.
Personally, I'm a really lazy ass person who don't just move unless for something matching my interests. I don't have that motivation to correct my wrong physical situation I just mentioned before neither by going to the gym nor by following a diet.
So, by combining all these disadvantages together I'd say that my self esteem is ZERO.
I've never dated a girl before. Never had a relationship. Never kissed, never had sex. and yes I'm still virgin.
Tried to get closer to three girls before and i was getting that killing answer that ruined my life "sorry, I'm not interested" so this sentence has built a big barrier between me and any girl to the extent that whenever I see a pretty girl, I feel that I wanna cry and cry and cry knowing that I have no ability to have such a pretty girl one day as a girlfriend.
There're so many factors that control the elaboration of that feeling, one is being too far away from my home country, my family and my friends. Two, the difference of culture and formation of mine here in the USA. The bad thing is that most of the western girls like to play games and tricks and so do the guys in order to get into a relationship. The other thing is that they, I mean girls, are over obsessed with the musculature of a guy as it's a measurement for the bed time quality. Finally, working everyday 12-14 hours for 7 days a week is such a horrible theme of life which means that I don't have enough time to socialize with people and doing other activities like normal people do.
I didn't know anybody and yes I mean anybody to tell about my story even my parents and for some reason, I don't have that best friend to keep my secrets with.
What pushed me to write these words is actually finding out a shocking search result on google on "24 years old and single" , the result was "you're so old to get yourself into a relationship, just find a girl to marry and then love comes later on"
Once I read these words, I felt that every word is a stab in my soul and my heart and I felt that I wanna do something beyond crying. If I have to give title for this stage of my life, I'd call it "IT'S TOO LATE."
I think you need to go to therapy.
First of all, you have serious self esteem issues, which you are aware of so that's good, but you need to work them out.
I don't think the reason you haven't dated is the way you look but you lack of confidence and your distrust of the women around you.
You are not old. And just think about all the people who are already divorced before the age of 30. Would you rather be like them?
If your job is too time-consuming, you might want to try I used it once. It's an online therapy service. You can try it out for free.
I am a 29 year old woman with a PhD and a good job. I am not married and my boyfriend just moved abroad. If I had gotten married at
"the right age" I would have totally ended up with the wrong person and missed out on the opportunity to meet the true love of my life.
Put yourself out there.
You might also want to try I know it sounds silly but I have at least two friends with success stories. One of them is getting married in September. The other one fits how you see yourself, to an extent, and he already found a girl who loves him and wants to marry him.
There is a taste out there for everyone. Just don't let you lack of confidence in yourself and the people who surround you get in the way.
Hi there JIMMYJOKER! AHH the stresses in this life my friend. Love is something that should not solely be based on appearances. It is a deeper connection that what the world perceives love to be although attraction does play apart as well because boom boom chickadee happens in a marriage. It’s wise that you can see the problems you need to deal with and be true to yourself about how you are approaching them. If it is meant to be you will find the love of your life. There is absolutely no problem with being a virgin at 24. In my opinion sex is meant to be enjoyed between a husband and wife anyway, someone that you trust and without knowing giving a portion of your soul too. Do not be discouraged when people say find anyone as your wife because that is just plain stupid. That type of relationship is yours friend. But the real issue I believe here is not the fact you do not have a wife but your weight and the fact you say you are lazy. Now I could care less wether you were a stick or as big as the titanic I do not see a person for what they look like but because the weight could be a detriment to your health and lifespan I would suggest you keep exercising for this reason. You say you are a lost and lonely soul! Find yourself maybe, seek a relationship with god. Confidence in my experience is not based on how I look and how others perceive me because would that really count as confidence? Don't be lazy in life get up and do things. Go to a poor country and help kids, hike in the Himalayas get involved. You are only 24! Still a baby but the moment to change is now! I’m a Christian and from experience I know god can help in in all situations and change a person course forever. He has helped me feel comforted in my worst situations and has kept me in his company through my loneliest of times as well as given me unspeakable confidence in life dangers. I am not trying to ram religion down your throat but am trying to fill you with hope. Life is more about having a job from nine till five and just finding any women to marry. Seek your purpose, identity and confidence and fight the good fight. Its too late when you give up !
First, I think you are so focused on the negative that you aren't truly taking time to consider the positive and what you can ultimately bring to the plate. You have struggle sto achieve you previous goals because you are procrastinating like I am by writing this instead of doing my statistics hw.
Don't make excuses and list all the things you feel are an issue. Take action and change what you wish to improve, one step at a time.
As far as being 24 and a virgin goes, who cares. Im am also in my early twenties and guess what, "never been kissed" and never done any of that other stuff because I don't trust easy and I want all those special experiences to go to someone who I will give my all to. My parents didn't raise me to wait but they raised me to be self-aware. If you want to have that beautiful girlfriend then you need to put on a good flirting simile and walk up to that girl.
The guys who I like, are somewhat nerdy, confident, not conceited or super-body obsessed, are chill and most importantly have values, so not every western girl wants a guys who plays games, because I sure as heck don't.
In fact first and foremost is hygiene. If you are taking care of yourself and put some effort in your appearance, then a girl will notice. Bad hygiene is a no-no. And laziness, who isn't lazy every once in a while but it shouldn't consume you to the point that in shows in your posture and affects your life dramatically.
Whatever goals you have you need to understand that doing nothing produces nothing. If you want success in romance and in life you need to make real effort—not just make goals.
Also if you have noticed good things about yourself then I wouldn't say that your self-esteem is zero, but a work in progress. In this area friends come in handy. Hang out with people who you can relate to you because these are the people who need someone to talk too, just as much as you. Im not a temporary friend kind of gal, which is why I always keep my circle of friends small and true.
Take a deep breath and believe in yourself more. IF you confessed all of this on a forum that means you want to be better, the next step is thinking better and doing better. My parents would be happy to be 24 again because its the easiest time to reinvent yourself. Get to it and watch some Anthony Robbins on youtube. If there is a guy who knows about fulfillment. Its him.