Help would be thanked a lot on this

SAMMIE - Nov 9 2008 at 21:30
ok.. here goes.. i don`t know weather i love my boyfriend or not anymore, even as much as i did ..fallen out of love with him :S...but i think i love/crushing on someone else..Ive just kinda realized :S..i do care alot for my current bf..but he has on several occasions deceived me..hurting me alot..i dunno weather i shod stay with him or not :S..oh god i have school work n problems at home aswell.. i need to concentrate on my education...please help me :S wb soon xx
Tell him to beat your ass more while fucking you. Cheating is normal for guys, esp. since you bitches don't put out enough. So of course you should stay with him. If anything here, he's the one who should have doubts about you.
Fuzzyreadysetgo is complete bull.
Its normal for your feelings to wear off after a while. Its always different at the start. If he's decieved you, its harder to trust him, and without trust you can't have a relationship.
Its not your fault and sleeping with him won't solve anything
if i was you sammie i would concentrate on the education because your young and have a lot of life left in u and if hes hurting u hes not worth it there are plenty of guys out there so just sit back 4 a while and sort your other problems out first. hopw this helps
Sammie Helloo
Deceiving losses trust.. and without trust rightly sed above theres not relationship.. your boyfriend doesnt deserve you if your that concerned.. education you must concentrate on it the most it will be your future it will never decieve you.. it will always be there for you and it will be most use for you...the world is at a point where u must work hard for everything and such barriers as unappreciative bf are not needed.. the best thing is to raise the issue with him.. discuss it.. raise ur concerns and hear out his.. but in the end always make the decision that will make u better off. that will give u most comfort and absolute reasurance that u are happy...a relationship should be two way... and time is not allowing us to bbe wasting our chances...Education 1 Boyfriend 0 unless you can find the balance.. talk to him.. good luck xMR A x