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I honestly need help getting over this guy, for the sake of my pride

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I am new to this website and I stumbled on a few of your articles that partially resonated with what I am going through but not entirely. It is a pretty long story, so I hope you are willing to hear me out. For as long as I can remember, I have always been socially awkward. When it came to guys, it was much worse. I have somewhat grown out of that awkwardness (emphasis on "somewhat" but it's still hard. Since I entered college this past year, my physical appearance has been changing for the better (and it still is). And with a change in physical appearance, guys have started to pay attention to me more (well was more attention than I received in high school though). I have met guys who I thought a relationship would happen, but to no avail (i never had sex with them). For some, I didn't mind staying friends. Others, I did not have a problem cutting them off. But this particular boy has been stuck on my mind. We'll call him O. So I met O earlier this past semester. I got along with just fine as he seemed to get along with others as well. I could tell he was very charismatic and out going. Well one day we exchanged numbers (well i put my number in his phone and told him about....I know, I know...why??) and he texted me later that night. We talked a little bit, nothing big (O hates texting) and asked me to call him the next day. Well, like and idiot, I did, and he wanted me to come over the same day (around 7 or 8 at night....yes I am an idiot). since it was dark outside, I wanted O to at least stay on the phone with me while i walk to his place, which he wasn't willing to do at first, but decided to wait outside. I came over and we talked for awhile. the conversation quickly got into sex and relationship (a big NO NO, I know) . In the mist of that, he asked if I wanted to be a FWB relationship, since he did not see himself being in a relationship for awhile. But a FWB relationship was not was I was looking for, but I didn't explicitly say "uh, NO!" but did tell him I was looking for a relationship (he probably thought i was clingy). Well continued our conversation and next thing you know, I'm making out with him! I can't lie, it was nice. he dropped me off at my dorm and I was elated the entire night. The next morning, i texted him good morning ( another mistake I made) but I didn't think anything of since I'm sure he didn't think of me in "that" way. But he sounded so distant i literally wondered what I was doing wrong. Well the coverstation was short and sweet. The next few days, however, he was on to the next girl (or other girls) and practicely forgot all about me. As you can tell, I was hurt. I honestly had so much hope in this guy. I really wanted him to be my boyfriend ( since i never had one) and he just up and forgot about me. I feel so pathetic getting all worked up over a just making out , cause its not like I slept with him (thank God), but still.... I feel like the reason why I am upset is because he only thought of me as a f*ck buddy and not as a potential girlfriend but I know there's more to it than that. I don't know anymore. I want to have more faith in guys, but I feel like for as long as I am in college, guys don't want girls like me, girls that want to wait for commitment. For awhile, I resented him, but I'm "cool" with him now. Still, I can help but harbor angry feelings for him everytime i think of him. I keep telling myself that i'm over him and I don't care what he does, but i guess i'm not. or am I? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Chi Chi

I honestly need help getting over this guy, for the sake of my pride

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Mmm, it does seem like your average jOe, doesn't like to wait around for commitment these days, I'm very much of the that same opinion you wait then commit it's much more secure that way. I don't think you should harbor these angry feelings towards him though, he made his stance quite clear. Even if it escalated to kissing. As soon as he said FWB you should have expected next to nothing from him, the very lowest of expectations. As having high expectations would do something like this to you. You never state how long you knew this guy before all of this happened, so I can't tell how quick it went. I wouldn't say calling him back was an "idiot" move either, however depending on how long you knew him going around to his place was a bit silly, if you didn't know him that long anyway. "but I know there's more to it than that" How is there more to it than that? I wouldn't say "fuck buddy" would be the exact term to describe it. But he did say straight up he was looking for FWB relationship, and I don't really see anything indicating it was more than that. At least from what you have described. And I would not discard your faith in guys. Not everyone is the same, however your common person these days do get into relationships faster than your expectations. I wouldn't look for a relationship, more let one find you. Make friends with people talk to them for a while, keep in contact, and over time you may develop feelings for them. The best relationships are often those where you get unexpected feelings, if you end up looking for feelings your bound to fool yourself into thinking you have some sort of feelings, but if you stumble on them without that expectation it's a lot better, if the other person reciprocates the feelings of course. I don't really know what to advise you on really. I guess what I can say is don't pursue this guy, cause you'll only get hurt more, as can easily be deduced by his attitude towards you (FWB). You'll know if you're over him if you no longer have any strong emotions towards it, with a dire passion to talk/be with him all the time. The best thing you can probably do now is focus on the things that make you happy life. Like friends, hobbies, family, studying (May not exactly make you happy but it's something!) or looking at pictures of cats on the internet!

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