A painful breakup

PRIETY - May 18 2014 at 11:01
i and my bf were together for 5 years. he recently broke up with me blaming me for things that i have never done.he said he is going to date someone else and marry another girl. i really dont understand wats wrong with him. he loved me truly in the beginning and started drifting away slowly and slowly. our parents were planning on our engagement and he just broke up. he has been abusing me physically and verbally for a while. he blames me for his failure. i hv always supported him. i love him a lot. cant imagine life without him. what can i do to bring him back and make him love me again? please help. i really love him.
Hi there! that's horrible that he has been abusing you. If I loved someone I would not lay a finger on them no matter how angry I am. Its amazing that you still manage to truly love him even when he does not treat you with equal respect. You cant really make some one love you but in this case I would say drop him like a hot potato. He may have good qualities but I think if you continue the relationship you may miss out on some really nice guys that will treat you amazingly. I loved someone and when it didn't work out I thought the air was no longer present, but here I am still breathing and loving life! good luck
Thank u all for your suggestions. I would like to share that this was not a marriage being arranged.Rather we were in love since our college time.He was the one who proposed to me at first to which i responded positively.He was extremely loving to me initially.He was the one who got his parents approaching my parents for the engagement.Then suddenly what made him hate me is just an unanswered question. I have given 5 years of my life to him,loved him to the extreme.I am just finding it impossible to let him go.I know he's been really bad to me but i feel its my duty to show him the right path.I need guidance to bring him back because I know im his soulmate. No one else can ever love him or understand him the way i do. i want to show him that true love is what we need in life, not just money or other women for lust. please guide me.
You already know that he is no longer the man you fell in love with by your usage of "how do I get him back". People change over time and this is why relationships sometimes fail.
I understand you love him. But you also have to love yourself. You cannot be the only one to keep giving in this relationship.
So my advice for you is going to be difficult but necessary. Take a step back from the relationship. Give him space. He no longer treats you right and he has lost his way. Sad to say, he has also lost sight of his respect and love for you if he has come to hurting you physically and emotionally. So you have to let him go. If he gets his act together and he realizes your importance, then you have found him again, the man you fell in love with. Otherwise, he might have been completely changed and lost for good. And being with someone who does not treat you right anymore is just not healthy.
Love yourself before loving him. If he truly still loves you, he'll realize what he's lost. If not, grieve the relationship and eventually move on.