
HELP!! - Nov 30 2008 at 02:13
my boyfriend of 9 months he is brillant i couldnt ask for anymore from him.
but recently he has turned wierd, well i dont know how else to say it but he has started reading all my emails and has changed all my passwords to my email accounts and wont let me know what they are, he has said i can have another one but i have to tell him what the passwords are.
a couple of days ago he brought me a piece of paper with loads of emails on which i had sent and revieved and now keeps cheaking my emails when im asleep.
i dont know what to do please help !!!
Why do you put up with this? Are you afraid to loose this freak? This is controlling you, thats how its called. Demand your passwords back or leave! He is not worth it if he can't trust you and give you your privacy!
hi ,i agree with karamel this guy is insecure about your relationship,he is trying to control you and your life and if you let him this time he will get worse, you need to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand tell him to get lost if he objects hes not worth it,he,ll never trust you because of who he his,get rid .
I Agree with karamel, it happened to me aswell, an am actually with the guy.but i changed him. He made me change my mob number 3/4times cause he cudnt bare the fact any guy txtin me, an even stopped me from goin out. but you cant have the guy controlling you... its ur life.. u control it... dnt let him.. an yeh if there is no trust there is no love.. r/ship will neva be strong without trust... an dont be afraid to let go of him.. his not worth it if his like that... there is plenty of people out there.. his not the last!... u deserve better!
This means he really likes you and wants exclusive relationship with you. Discontinue your other relationships and make the commitment that he wants of you.
For further queries, feel free to write to [e-mail address removed].
get out now, as in now now. before the psycho turns your life into a mess.xx
i was with a guy like that started to do what ur bf does and then it got worse he got even more controllin to the point i couldn go out without him i lost me friends seriosly get out of it now cause thats not what a relationship is about!!!
This does sound like controlling behaviour. Take a look at the Refuge website detailing the warning signs of domestic violence. I'd say leave but if you must stay at least get couples therapy
Dump his ass! He will become more and more controlling!
hi.every person has different views and very much likely will have a different opinion on certain senerios and problems.all i can give you is my opinion and decide for yourself what you feel is right,My opinion is that if your boyfriend has acted wierd for the first time in your relationship,is maybe sit down and talk and say your worried that your (our )relationship dosent feel the same as it was months prior.Ask if any ex ever cheated on him in the past,if so re-assure him that you are not his ex.That when your in a are a 1man woman.Also that rooting through your emails and changing the details is not the norm in a relationship,to do to a partner.You may need to probaly have a bit of patient if your boyfriend has trust issues and a low self esteem due to his ex.If his weirdness persists i suggest.To ask him if he would like to get rid of issues he has regarding his problems if so you will help him and seek counselling.there is councelling if your both over 16 can go together to Relate Counselling.There maybe a little charge as it's a charity and does not make a profit for the service they provide.Just type relate in a search engine on the web to find your nearest relate counselling.If the problem persists i suggest to find someone who has no trust issues and no self esteem problems,if you stay it'll only get worse and will drag you down.