A relationship break

JOSIE1992 - Jun 2 2014 at 17:06
My boyfriend has told me he wants to be with me but that he can't. He has asked for a break for a week. I know that a break means no contact but I am wondering if you think he will be surprised if I don't at least try to contact him. (Because I have chased him constantly lately)
A break is just that. If its only for a week, dont contact him that whole week. Let him miss you and think about whatever he needs to without distractions. I know you are afraid that idf he doesnt hear from you he will "forget you" or move on. If that's what happens, he never really wanted a break and just couldnt admit he wanted to break-up. Either way, play it cool.
Yes I agree, play it cool and enjoy the week doing fun stuff YOU are interested in...
It is a healthy thing to to so for the relationship......
Yes, take this time to gain some independence from him. Maybe create some more commitments in your life? Like spending time with friends, partaking in hobbies or activities, or even hanging around with your family. Some independent of him that makes you happy, this may make you less clingy if you have been constantly chasing him lately.
Maybe he needed a break from all that "chasing". Since it can become rather bothersome or annoying to some people after a while.
As for your question, who knows? He may be surprised, but usually when you're on a break you expect to be on a break, not to be bothered. Therefore I'd assume he'd be more annoyed than anything if you contacted him.
If he had this expectation that you might contact him even though he said you were on a break, then that thought is sort of counter-intuitive. It implies he actually wants you to pay attention to him, when you have already been chasing him. Therefore he should not have that expectation, if he does that is strange and he's caught indecision.
Most likely case scenario he won't have it. He won't be surprised. He'll be irritated.
Hope that helped, good luck with your relationship have a wonderful day :)