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Not eating

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Hello, I'm 13 years old and for some reason find myself unable to eat. I'm going to see a counseler in school, but no-one seems to understand, even my boyfriend (who I've tried so hard to explain it to). I dont know, when I even think of taking the food to my mouth I practically have a panic attack! My throat clogs up and I get a headache and feel dizzy. I havent eaten for a wekk to a week and a half now, and I really think I need help. If there is anyone out there who can help, please say! My boyfriend is getting more worried about me than I am and I'm worried he will soon stop eating (also his mum died recently, so he already has enough on his plate without me making a fuss!) Thanks for listening. bnicecjcoles

Not eating

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Hey bnicecjcoles, I'm sorry to hear that you're not eating. I am 16yr old girl, and I also have the same problem. You say that you don't know why you are unable to eat..yet you fear that your boyfriend will stop eating because he is worrying to much? So do you think that maybe YOU could be anxious about something? I know for a fact the reason I am not eating is because I am unhappy. But not eating isn't the answer! In fact it makes you feel worse, but I know that theres nothing you can do about it. I have been to the doctors and explained my situation, and there is a limit to what they can do, but they also recommended counselling, and maybe even an anti-depressant. But again thats not really the answer. You need to really think about what it is that is troubling you, and how you can solve it. If you are like me, then the solution is staring you in the face, but you just don't want to do anything about it. Talk to your mum, or a trusted family member, you are going to need all the support you can get. Take care huni, hope things work out for you xx

Not eating

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Thanks for your reply, I'll try to do what you have suggested :). I hope you get better and I'm glad that at least someone seems to understand me! I dont really have a trusted family member: me and my mum dont really get on, my dad lives in England, my older bro is a plonker (and would just make fun of me), my younger bro does not care, my older sis just gets angry at me and yells at me about it (doesnt help much...) So, really, I dont have the best of relationships with my family... Maybe thats part of whats causing it... But anyway, thanks for the advice and I'll talk to my firends about it (I've been friends with most of them for what... 7 years now...?) So, yeah, thanks. :D And to you also, I hope things work out! xx

Not eating

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hey babe. im 20 years old now but when i was 15, i stopped eating. At the time there seamed to be no reason for it, just like you are experiencing. The thought of food made me sick, the smell of food made me sick, infact my dad took me to the supermarket to get some food that i would really like... and the supermarket scared me so much i broke into tears on the floor. what you need to know is that if it contuinues, it can have an awefull effect. I ended up in hospital being drip fed, i then had to live with my nan, and take 3 months off school as i was fed 1 mouthfull of food every hour. When you dont eat, your stomach begins to shrink, so when you begin to eat again, you have to stretch your stomach so it can take in and hold your food again, not eating for too long can make this really painfull process. I suggest that you take your time, relax, try a tiny tiny bit of food every hour or so.. like a grape, or a centemetre cude of cheese, untill you start to gain an apitite again. relax yourself and you will be ok love xx

Not eating

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you can take ice cream or yogurt,i think dairy is helpful ,or gelatin with fruits i think you can start from this

Not eating

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Hey, sorry to hear about that. In my option it sounds like you have an eating disorder. Sorry if that did help but that's all can say...

Not eating

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Hi bnicecjcoles, I can relate so much to what you are describing. You sound like the kind of person who takes things in and cares so much about other people that you find it hard to care for yourself. I know it is so sad about your boyfriend's mum, and there are so many sad things in the world. But you just have this one life in this world (as far as we know - I am open-minded) but this is the life you've been given, and no one on earth can watch out for you better than you. Your physical body is as important as your soul and it relies on you for care. If you let yourself go down you can't help anybody. Sit down 3 times a day like you are doing a chore, and slowly put one bite at a time, chew slowly, swallow, drink some water, it will be a chore for a while but you have to take care of yourself. Also keep in mind that if you do one small thing to help the people you love that is more beneficial that a lifetime of worry. You are so important to the people in your life, as they are important to you. Don't drop your ball. Take care of yourself.

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