Advice please

1LOST SOUL - Jun 5 2014 at 20:33
Me and my fiancé are getting married in early July we have been dating for about four years now. The past few years has been great I wasn't really the affectionate type but changed with time, she was always very affectionate.
She went away on holiday last month mainly for wedding shopping went for a good three weeks I couldn't go with her as I couldn't get that much time of work.
Since she's come back she's totally changed a lot more confident but very cold especially towards me, she used to be so warm and kind.
I asked her what's wrong I asked her if she still loves me she said she doesn't know anymore I asked her if she still wants to get married she wants to give it a try.
I'm totally lost on what to do all are wedding invites have gone out everything's booked and paid for with both of are life saving.
Need some advice please
Yes, marriage is a big step and your Gf wants to "give it a try" ??
If she doesn't know anymore if she loves you then you both have no business getting married.
You need to be confident before you marry someone and both people need to be equally committed.
Hi Wow, her response is not one a woman should have before getting married 'give it a try' not sure if she loves you?
I would not stand at an alter until I was certain that both you and her truly love each other.
Its takes years to get out of once you marry.
Sit down and have a talk with her,if that does not help ,get a mediator, does your church provide one? Counselor to help get things out.
Sometimes it is trough the process of planning a marriage that you discover you are not with the right person.
Good luck....
I agree that you shouldn't get married until you are both ready.......but frankly, if I were you, I'd want to know what happened in those 3 weeks she was gone. Did she happen to run into an old boyfriend? Take a walk down "memory lane"?
I'm not trying to imply that she was physically unfaithful to you. However, it were me, I would REALLY like to know what happened during the 3 weeks away from you, since it was immediately after she came home that made her question whether she still loved you enough to still marry you.
You can't work on a problem if you don't know exactly what the problem is...and if she won't or can't tell you, then putting some distance between you (physically) will give BOTH of you a chance to see if this relationship is viable, and if you both still want to be together
I agree with all the above posts. Marriage shouldn't be something you try out.
And however much you spent on a wedding, however embarrasing it would be to call it off- it would be much worse to get divorced.
My suggestion is take a bit of time to remind her why she's marrying you, maybe even post-pone the wedding. Sometimes women just like to know their affections are returned in kind.
Thanks for the advice really appreciate it.
My fiancé booked a weekend away just the two of us.
She only told me today , she said she wants to talk lets see what she had to say.
Good move and good luck