Girl distancing herself from me, because I'm flying away in weeks

DOWNSTAIRS - Jun 6 2014 at 22:39
I started up a relationship with one of my roommates (upstairs Im downstairs) and in 4 weeks I am flying back home (to the other side of the world), she is distancing herself from me and acting really cold, like she doesnt care about me. Hardly saying anything, not knocking on my door to say hello when she gets home etc, never touches me.
I want to talk to her, but at the moment she is sick and goes to bed early, and is busy studying for exams, and the other times she is at university and gets home late, and at breakfast it never feels like the right time to talk.
Also we were planning to travel in Italy together, we are still both going, but she is driving with a friend, and I might be flying. Now she isnt sure whether she wants to see me there, as I will be leaving soon, and she says she doesnt wanna get hurt.
How can I make her see that the time we have together is precious, but she is pushing me away, its like Im a ghost and she doesnt care about me. Thats how I feel.
What can I say to her?
Please help me :(
You say you are flying back home. Why?. Is this temporary or permanent?.
How long have you both been dating for?
Have you developed strong feelings for her?
Maybe you could elaborate a lil more.
It looks like she is already too attached to you and is feeling the hurt of you leaving her. It is natural human reaction to save ourselves from deeper hurt. She fears the time you are asking to be together, she will get further attached to you meaning much more hurt than what she is presently undergoing. The situation is difficult, no amount of talking can help either of you. The best you both can achieve is a small friendship for the remaining 4 weeks (unless you decide to continue the relation).
Some people can not keep an attachment going in a long distance relationship. She is detaching herself from you now. She is emotionally breaking up with you, the only thing that is left is the physical split and that will come when you leave.