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Husband problems

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Lately it feels like my husband wants to get away from me. The first time was when we had a lot of people staying over and he stayed overnight at my sisters house but he didn't ring to let me know. I left him lots of missed calls and messages and he completely ignored me until the next day. He tries to find every opportunity to stay out and away from me. He only seems to be interested in sleeping with me and tries to find any opportunity to get away from me and out the house. Is this normal behaviour with all men or does it mean he doesn't like me anymore?

Husband problems

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No. It's not normal behavour but it's typical behavour of a marriage suffering from communication breakdown. Your husband has his reasons for his behavour but he needs to discuss his reasons for it with you.

Husband problems

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As for the him staying at his sisters. Perhaps he fell asleep? And as such he could not reply to any texts or calls til the next day cause he was sleeping? How so does he find every opportunity? Has it always been like this? Maybe that's just the kind of person he is, if he always has done this. He just likes to be out and about. If this has happened randomly. Then it could be because of a few things. Like let's say if you're somewhat clingy, clingyness can get rather irritating to people, and eventually if this happens for long enough then the person gets irritated at everything you do, even looking at you. Therefore if you are clingy then this may be the case, he tries to escape because he feels instantly irritated with clingyness. I have a feeling someone may suggest this, therefore let me debunk it now. Someone may argue that when he went around to his sisters place, he found someone and slept with them and cheated on you. And that when he avoids you he's actually going to see this women. This is very unlikely as there is little evidence to suggest this. It's a possibility but an unlikely one. Unless you have further reason or evidence to believe this further I would not worry about this being the case. Regardless of the reason, you need to communicate to him that you feel this. Tell him you feel he's always avoiding you, he should then tell you why you feel that way or why he's doing it. After that come to some negotiation of how to fix it. Since he shouldn't always be avoiding you, he needs to spend time with you, that is why you're lovers. In the event that he shows no care for you feelings, or puts no effort into fixing it, if he can anyway, for instance if he is going out to visit a friend or something whos in town for only a month then it's pretty hard to fix within reason. But he should make an effort to fix it, if he can. If he doesn't at all, then consider cutting it off if it makes you feel really sad and rejected all the time. Since it needs to be fixed if you feel that way. I hope that helped somewhat, good luck with your relationship and have a wonderful day :)

Husband problems

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Im confused. Did he stay at your sisters house or was it his sisters house? You know your husband more than anyone so do you know of any event which recently took place where his behaviour began changing?

Husband problems

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No this is absolutely not normal behaviour. While I can't possibly know what causes this (especially without context- did anything happen,how long were you married, how was he before...?), i can tell you what i would do if i were in your shoes and that's simple. TALK TO HIM. Pick an appropriate time (science recommends after sex) and start by asking him if he is ok, if there is anything bothering him at work, with his friends, generally. If not, whether there's something you've been doing lately that's offended him. If he's ready to talk- great. If not, give him a little time before asking him again, this time letting him know how his behaviour makes you feel. Best of luck my dear :)

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