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Treated like I'm invisible

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My husband and myself havent been getting on the last couple of days. Our two children at college had a art exhibition and I was really not in the mood for going and didn't fancy pretending everything was fine but I knew I had to go and put on a happy face even thou I had geen crying abit before we went. My son as a girlfriend who goes to the same college and her mother was there who I have only met once my husband as met her a couple of times when he as opened the door to her when she as picked up her dsughter from our house and they start chatting. Anyway at the end of the exhibition my husband, our son his girlfriend, her mother and the mothers ex where together so I walked up and said well done to my sons girlfriend because she won an award and said hello to her dad and Im sure I said hello to the mother. The dad said he couldn't understand art and I agreed because I dont then he had to go to work, I felt I could of talked to him as he seemed alright then the mother was talking to my husband and I felt I was invisible and I dont know why. she just looked my husbands way and its not because she was shy and I wonder if my son as been talking to his girlfriend about me how I argue with his dad and the girlfriend might of told her mum and maybe she doednt like me. The mother said goodbye but was still looking at my husbands way and I dont know if she likes him and she did look for a while at him saying goodbye. I felt I shouldn't of been there and I told my husband about her ignoring me and he said its all in my mind, he also said he felt he couldn't ask how she was and things because I would accuse him of cheating with her. So I now think that if I hadht of been there he would of been chatting away for ages but because I was there he couldn't nor could she. He said you have to get on with her because our son is seeing her daughter. What hurts me is that my husband took our son and his girlfriend to London from 930am until 11 pm to watch a gig and them kother didht thank my husband or offer any petrol money even thou her daugher is supposed to have £9000 saved up so the mother could of easily offered money but didnt but my husband doesnt think like this and sees her as a nice woman. Now if she calls to collect her daugher from our house again I will make sure I do not talk to her and let her wait in her car and I wont be like my husband talking to her on the door step after her ignoring me. I dont know if my husband likes her even thou she is a little plump and wears no make up but beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose. I will not be treated like shit by anyone and i will treat her how she as treated me and not bother with her whatsoever and if my husband sticks up for her I will wash my hands off him.

Treated like I'm invisible

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Your husband needs to respect your views. If you felt bad during the conversation he needs to respect that and not take the other persons side. It doesn't matter even if you were in the wrong (and I'm not saying you were) you and he are in a relationship and unless he wants this to get bad very quickly he needs to take your feelings seriously. You are partners. DO NOT EXCLUDE YOURSELF. Do not let that woman exclude you. Get pisses off at your husband later but take his arm, push your way into the conversation and make doe eyes at him while you do so. Do not let the other woman think she is getting between you two. Then when she leaves tell you husband of his rude behavior.

Treated like I'm invisible

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I agree, sometimes we think or wonder if someone does not talk to us they have an agenda or do not like us? Have you ever thought that she has those feelings too? Everybody is insecure in someways, about some things,at some point in time. Everybody needs to feel supported and I think you grave that from your husband. I think you feel small in your life, and undervalued. I think your angry, and feel threatened by this other woman. It should not be a competition. You are better than this shit, don't go down this road, of getting one up on her to make you feel better. Stop its school ground thinking. You are worried that your son has told his girlfriend about your arguments? Every couple argues. Do you feel that you are in the wrong? Or not heard? Or that it is your fault? Why this guilt over it, to the point you are scared that someone will take your husband away or simply not like you, or play your rules? Sometimes in social situations we say I wonder will they say hi, why didn't they? etc when it doesn't happen take it personally, they don't like me because... whatever ....can go through your head. My point being turn the voice off, walk into the room and you shake their hand, you say hi, and smile. Don't give the voice time to freeze you in negative thoughts. You solution next time is too keep her outside the house your territory. That is not dealing with it, this is your home,marriage ,instead of her and your husband standing at the door,invite her in and be proud of your home, relationship and of your self, maybe you might make a friend. Not everyone is out to hurt you. This is your life, by the sounds of it you are not enjoying it, that is a shame.

Treated like I'm invisible

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Hi you are over thinking things too much and appear to be looking for conflict....

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