I have a gut feeling I can't shake
BIGFOOT - Jun 17 2014 at 03:21
I'm engaged and I'm madly in Louver with her, but I can't shake the feeling that she's cheating on me. We get weekends together cause I work Monday through Friday in a different city and she told me she would never cheat on me but I just can't shakes the feeling that she's cheating. I've had rights of sleeping with another woman and told her ability it but i wouldn't do it cause it would hurt her. Could that be the reason or just jealousy or coils she be actually cheating. I need help BAD. PLEASE HELP ME.
Bigfoot, it's your gut that telling you all's not well. Look for other subtle signs when you're home on weekends that will add up and confirm your fears. If you don't see them then your insecurity could be misplaced. If you're engaged then it means you're to married someday and therefore, you should know your fiance pretty well by now.
But when our gut tell us something, when it's constantly nagging at us, it's usually right because it guides us when we're in doubt.
No one can tell you that your gut feeling is right most of the time without hearing more about the situation. So can you possibly give a bit more detail eg are you usually a suspicious person? Did a certain incident take place which 'triggered' this gut feeling? How is your relationship overall? This info will help help :)
This year after over twelve months of being together I went on her facebook (she tells me I can check her profiles and she can check mine) and I noticed that after five months in to the relationship an ex of her messaged her and said "let's fuck". Age said "if I Want with my man I so would" we argued and agreed that she's shouldn't have told him that cause he's gonna think he can get her to cheat which is how got together in the first place. A few months later I noticed that she went from messaging me over 50 times a day on kik to maybe 10 times a day and said she was either busy, watching netflix, or her phone was turned down to where she couldn't hear it or she Want near her phone and she usually keeps it by her all the time. Then me and her are kinda adventurous and one weekend after going out we had sex outside, then the next weekend were gonna do thaw same thing and she was all for it up until after eating and walking around then all the sudden she's not in the mood and she has to get up early but I knew she didn't have to go to work until 5 pm the next day and all the sudden had a back ache or of nowhere. She's pregnant and I know that happens from time to time but this was instantly out of nowhere. She's been sleeping later and blames it on her thyroid meds that she's been prescribed but she was sleeping later before she started taking them. It's been hot for a couple months and in the last week ahead been sleeping naked cause it's more comfortable but why now and not when it first started getting hot? And knows each others passwords and usernames but all the sudden she changed her email password and didn't tell me for some reason. An I being paranoid, jealous or could something really be going on?
With regards to the fb comment. My intepretation of her reply is very clear. She would have f***d him IF she didnt have a man, which is you right? So I dont see a problem in that. She told her ex the truth. She would but she wont because she has you. That in my opinion doesnt show signs of someone who is cheating. There was banter in her reply WITH the truth.
Now, the rest of the scenarios that you have given can only sum up one thing..She is pregnant!!!!!!! A womans hormones/moods change during pregnancy so yes!!! She will want to sleep early, she may not be in the mood for sex and her mind is probably all over the place so she may forget to text from time to time!!!!!
Seriously? I dont think you have anything to worry about. Its pregnancy not cheating.
Thank you that makes me feel ALLOT better cause I'm madly in love with her thank you very much.
Thats fine. Men dont understand how a womans hormones change during pregnancy. Dont worry, thats only but normal. You will start seeing many more changes but again, dont put it down to cheating. Just come back here and voice your concerns. :)
Good luck with your new arrival :)
Her changing the e-mail password wasn't cool though. She should give you the new password.