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Mean and selfish

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I left some money out for some bracelets my husband had bought me because I knew he would cast them up to me one day if ever i said what as he ever bought me and I didnt want that and i like to know that i dont need him to pay for things and i can say i paid for that myself without him having to buy me it. He was going to take it as well instead of saying he didnt want it. It reminded me of when I first met him years ago and he took money off me when I offered it to him for a drink thinking he would say he didnt want it and I thought he was really mean then. When it was his birthday he cut a bigger slice for himself instead of the same amount each and I had bought the cake. He still had a piece left. he said i would cut a bigger slice for myself when it as been my birthday but I have never cut my cakes it as been him or my daughter doing it. It makes me hate him and realise what kind of a person he is.

Mean and selfish

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Hey sunshinelove, your intuition is on the money. I know that when I love someone, I'll always give them the bigger serve and give from the heart. Is it that he is so oblivious to anyone else or is he just not a romantic guy? Why do you think he is like this?

Mean and selfish

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It really sounds like you just don't like him. I would take it as an insult if I bought something for my man and he paid me back for it. And don't offer money unless you mean it. Women do this and it is so wrong. Like telling there man, "well you can go/do if you want to" when really you don't want them to. Just be honest and don't offer if you don't mean it. And a big slice of cake he cut for himself on his b-day? realy? Its his b-day. I think there may be some other issues going on here. It really sounds like a bunch of small stuff because you are just fed up with him and no are no longer happy in the relationship. When you start sweating the small stuff it may be a sign that you need a break from the relationship.

Mean and selfish

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Sunshine, I truly think you need counseling. You hate your husband so much and still stay with him? Just stop and think how much of pent up anger, hatred are you carrying inside you? Is it in anyway good for you or your family (including your kids)? It will affect every other relation around you.

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