Can I trust him?

TT - Dec 16 2008 at 01:31
a couple of months ago i stumbled across some texts on my boyfriends phone to a girl from his work, he spoke to her as if he'd speak to me which really upset me. One month ago i saw an email to him off her and she had wrote "all the way home i couldn't stop thinking about your kisses, they're so addictive". i asked what this meant and he said there was nothing going on. Now he's doing all this again with an ex, who he told that he misses what they had. I'm so upset and hurt by this, i'm scared of what he's going to do. I always feel i do things wrong. What should I do?.. i've been with him for 18months. and it wouldn't be the first time he's cheated on me.
He does not deserve you, and he definitely isn't right for you.
My suggestion would be to break up with him, but I doubt you would.
The other option you have is to change and adapt to whatever he desires.
Play hard to get. Be inaccessible, keep busy, make him jealous (don't go 'round kissing everyone, but let him see other men are interested in you) and let him see that you don't need him...
I think you should get rid if he's cheated once but thing is i'm having a rough time with jealousy an past memories i'm new on here but if someone cheats they'll do it again you deserve alot better
if he has cheated b4 what to stop him doing it agen... not all men are bad and some can change but if hes hurting u repeatedly u shud leave him because u cud b out there looking 4 sum1 who wud adore u... what wud u rather have? i no a break up is hard but im sure its harder finding out ur fella is cheating is it worth the heartbreak?
TT hello
I could easily say leave him... but i wont.. i know its tough.. and its probably making your heart really heavy and making u feeel negative all the time...but that should stop are beautiful... you came onto this earth alone.. you will leave alone.. people that cheat dont deserve an iota of ur time.. you are the beter off.. i know how u feel and it can be hard once u are attached to some one.. but indue time u will move on.. u will forget it happend... bring up the issue once again.. and see how he handles u approaching him...weigh out the goods and the bads... ur happyness is not worth losing over a two timer.. Get up, Stand Up and Be you...i know its easy for me to say this to u... but it can be and many others are livng proof..good luck x Mr A