Phone history

SUNSHINELOVE - Jun 25 2014 at 13:48
Does the phone history show up on every phone? I ask because my husband said his phone history must roll down because you cannot see it. I think he is lying because its showing three things on the history but nothing else but I know he uses it alot. I think he might mean its rolled down the page but im sure I would see it if it was there wouldn't I?
Not sure if this helps but phones do weird things sometimes. With my cell phone it deleted every single text conversation I had with someone who was NOT on my contact list. They didn't show up anywhere anymore - not even in the log. I did not touch these conversations at all - they just simply vanished. Never did figure out why.
Daily phone history should be shown unless you delete it. Guess it depends also on your phone and how much memory it has. I have an iphone with 32GB under recent I have calls dated back to 09/13, haven't deleted none of them. As far as checking the history of a phone though, you could always log on with your mobile phone provider to see the calls made and time or your paper bill phone statement should also show it. I think that if it has happened more than once that the phone history looks slim on calls, it's most likely he has been deleting it. From my experience, I have a teenage daughter that I check her iphone every once in awhile and the history from calls to websites and you tube has never failed to show up Unless she deletes them. That's just my opinion though.
yes you would see it. I think he is being dishonest. But let me tell you from experience. No amount of phone checking, e-mail checking, web browsing history checking, text checking means a damn thing. I you are good you can manage to find a way to be dishonest, some people are better at it then others. You husband must suck at it if he deletes the entire history instead of just select numbers.
When you lie, make sure it is as close to the truth as possible and only omit the very damning info.
But why even bother unless you like drama. Just be honest. I have been a liar and I have been lied to. Im telling you that no amount of checking his phone is going to give you any kind of peace because it really doesn't matter. Even if the phone was full of pizza hut numbers he could have deleted that one half hour phone conversation to the slut at the office he was planning on meeting up with on his lunch break.
Checking a persons phone gives a false sense of security or a false sense of insecurity.