Second marriage

SHREE - Jun 26 2014 at 06:13
I am a woman with a 5 year old son. My husband is a alcoholic addict and unemployed. He used to beat me like anything everyday after taking alcohol. I was struggled a lot with this issue for almost 5 years. Then I decided to divorce to safeguard my sons future. So I have applied for divorce. And for the past 2 years, am living alone with my son. Still divorce case is in process.
Now, a guy who is my friends friend has proposed me for a marriage. He is unmarried and he is 6 years younger than me. He is saying that he likes me a lot and he wants to marry me and he will take care of my son too.
Even he talked with my mom and promised that he will marry me. I dont know what to do. I am not able to take a decision now. Shall I start my new life with him or not? Please advice.
How long have you known this new man? You have a 5 year old son so you may need to take things slower then you may have with out him. I would suggest a trial run, maybe a live in partnership for a while, see how he treats you both and if he can keep his promises of taking care of you both.
I personally disagree with the comment made above that this relationship does not seem to be marriage material. You have not given enough information for someone to give you that advice. But that is just MY opinion.
Moving to your issue. You have a young child. You cannot expect to deal with life on your own regardless from which culture/religion you are from. Life will throw you many obstacles and a good companion/husband will ease you through such obstacles.
Get to know this man. Spend time with him before you decide to make that commitment of marriage. Observe how he is around your son. Give it a go.
Hi I would relax about making a decision about marriage so soon. Be his friend and get to know him without the pressure. You are only getting out of one marriage why enter another.
How about enjoying your independence, two years is nothing. Have you considered counseling after the last relationship, to help you discover why you were in a abusive relationship.
will this new relationship provide for you the protection you need?
I still think your independence is important here and build that first you have got to survive without a man. Otherwise you will end up in a co dependent relationship.
Your start you new life for you and your son being happy and secure you do not need a man to begin the journey.