
KELLYG - Dec 21 2008 at 19:40
ive been with my boyfriend for a year now, he asian muslim and im white christian this has never been a problem b4 but now were getting to the point wher we want to tell his family how do we break it to them???.... aswell as this im planning on going to UNI but he wont move house with me so now i feel like i have to choose but he is telling me to go to UNI but i thoguht he wud want me to stay with him so it either go to uni and break up or dont go and stay together and see what happens what shud i do???
Hi i'm replying to the info you passed on to me and i shall give this a go i have told my partner that i want to see this guy to see what he's like but i think she's a little scared of that because if he says anything wrong to me or at her i little protective scares me sometimes too
In the nicest way religion shouldn't be able to prevent relationships. If his parents aren't ok with you being christian then to be honest thats discrimination. The point of university. I'm sure he'd love for you to stay so that you can always see each other, but he knows whats best. If you don't go to Uni now, and let him hold you back. You will regret it.
If it's meant to be, the chance will still be there in a few years. Thats assuming you beleive in fate! Also at your age it's not worth being committed to someone. I know it's nice to have the security and stability of a relationship. Yet, you need to live a little while you're young.
Hope this comes of some assistance.
Heylo Kelly...
This is a typical problem in many interacial relationships and many aspects come into it.. The fact you are white christian and he is asian muslim should not be a factor and in an ideal world we would all like it not to exist.. but you must consider that it is his familys faith...his parents generation are raised on different norms to your generation now.. i am at uni and i live with my girlfriend cos shes at uni aswell, the point is am in a similar situation.. shes hindu and am muslim.. two religions that dont really get along.. but we have delt with everything one by one.. my family and her family have accepted us slowly and surely.. so dont try and rush into these sort of things.. deal with them in regards to time... the issue about you goin to UNI theres no argument.. you must go to uni if you are comfortable with it.. if u decide to go to uni that education will be with you for the rest of your life.. it will have the biggest impact on your life it will determine your carear your life style everything... and am not sayin leave ur boyfriend for uni... but uni will ensure u have your self to thank for what you can later achieve.. and it will mean your not dependant on a relationship that has risks of going wrong.. say tomoro you are not together with your bf.. and you didnt go to uni... wat wud b left to do...pls for your own sake make sure u go to uni and get ur self the education.. it will be worth it and you will thank those who have advised you to do so later on... talk to your BF about everything on your mind and decide on things without a rush...Good Luck Mr A x