
HRHAYEBOO - Jul 7 2014 at 00:33
My boyfriend caught me sexting a mass amount of guys luckily he's giving me a second chance I need hepl to stay away from the infadelity
Do you have any ideas about how I can get help I can't afford therapy
check your email
How long have you been with your current boyfriend? It sounds like you either are not ready for a serious relationship that is monogamous or that you need attention that he just can't give you alone. If you really love him and want to stay with him, try finding another outlet for that energy. What do you like to do? In a creative sense? Do things you are passionate about during your free time. Get busy with something else that will better you or give you an outlet for creative expression. It sounds like you are trying to fill a void or emptiness inside. Fill it with something that will benefit you and him instead!!!! Also remember the laws of cause and effect. What you do will come back to you. Think of his heart. You would not want anyone doing that to you! Do unto others as you would have done unto you. This law is always working whether you notice it or not. Good Luck!
^sound advice
A few months I'm very in love with him and I will put my energy into something creative I need him to trust me to at least a little I'm trying to change I just hope putting it into creativity will be enough
Maybe hes not seeing enough action out of you you or take the chance again of being hurt. It takes a lot more than words to fix something like this
Chad I am trying know im limited to so much I hate not talking to you for long amounts of.time always end up changing your mind
Delete the men off your phone and don't get any new numbers. Focus on your man. Sex him if you are in a sexting mood. But I have found simply deleting the men off my phone or facebook help me (keeps temptation away).
if u enjoy sexting that much why not do t with your boyfriend. If u dont find it exciting enough then u should just be single that way n one gets hurt because of ur urge to sext multiple guys
I've deleted all of them and he has all my passwords to everything but he still doesn't trust me I'm trying to change and get help but I need something that is very effective but I can't affored therapy or councling