His bratty ass kids and bitch ass ex wife

JESTER - Jul 7 2014 at 07:37
Omg the bitch says jump and this dumbass says how high..wtf?! His kids are bad they don't listen they trash the house and he let's them do whatever they want the fucking run the motherfuckers life. Ugh!! I'm fucking sick of this shit. I think its time for me to move back to my dads.
I have read before that some ex-wives have what
is known as the "golden uterus" syndrome. They feel because they spit out his kids they should come before any other woman. The kids should be his first priority within reason. Kids are not meant to control our lives and some men and women let this happen. Don't get me wrong. I do believe they should be loved and taken care of but we should not let them act spoiled and bratty just to get attention.
Its just very frustrating. Honestly I just don't like his kids. They are a pain in the ass. I've been thinking about just leaving him not because of his kids but he's done other stupid shit and he's never gonna change.
He is a package deal. You don't like his kids then that is a problem. He will have those kids the rest of his life. Even when they are grown and move out they will still be part of his life. I think you should move on.
try this one- when you adore the kids but the guy is actually the brat--and argues with you in front of his kids!! when you want to shove the guy down a steep flight of steps but dont want his kids to watch. thats really heart breaking-i had a guy like this-he was so awful one day (mom had custody,youngest daughter was visiting for the day) that ,since i had promised her an activity on this day and since he was arguing with me in front of her,i asked her to call her mom to ask if i could take her by my self! i liked his kids but grew to hate him.parents who act out stigmatize their kids as well as set a poor example .this man embarassed his kids and made me want to knock him on his butt for all of his quarrelsome behavior in front of them.my parents did that crap and i swore i would never make a kid miserable yelling and scraming with another adult in front of the kid. parents like that want to be the children-they are disgusting.