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Husband flirting on Facebook

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Hi for the last few months my husband has been talking more and more to one particular woman on facebook . I know this as he is part of an organisation that has been set up ,which i am also a part of. This woman talks all about her problems and issue and flashes photos of her boobs etc . He is responding more and more to her on a site for over 500 people. Is sympathetic to all her problems,likes all her pictures (mostly of herself) and is getting more and more friendly with just her ... Shall i confront him? See what happens? what would you do? Thanks for any responses.

Husband flirting on Facebook

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IIs he sending her private messages or is he commenting on a post? What kind of organization is it? What is its purpose?

Husband flirting on Facebook

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IF you feel this is effecting your relationship negatively then, yes mention it and try to fix it. If it's harmless liking and commenting and isn't actually effecting your relationship in anyway. For instance he still acts the same, spends just as much time with you, talks with you just as much etc. Then it should be no problem. I'd confront him anyway and tell him how it makes you feel, so he's aware he's hurting your feelings, then he can act in accordance to that. I don't think you should be demanding and tell him to stop though, perhaps tell him you'd like it if he did stop? But don't be pushy on it. Unless it begins to have practical effects, such as less time spent with you, change in his behavior etc. Then there is no need to take this further. If it does go further, push the fact that it's effecting your relationship in X, Y and Z. Tell him the effects and again how it makes you feel and push the fact that he could at least could down a bit, if it begins to effect your relationship this much. In conclusion communication is key here, for him to give you reassurance and understand your feelings towards this action, as he may not be aware. Ultimately this should be a step towards fixing the problem. I hope that helped, good luck with your relationship and have a wonderful day :)

Husband flirting on Facebook

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Hi, Sweetness ,i am not sure of Private messages as these are all deleted.The organization brings people together who share a special interest. Dominicwild ,I feel it is effecting relationship, and interest in me has definately dropped off. I'm still uncertain what to do as the usually response when i've seen him flirting in the past is just to deny it which i am sure he will do again.I think he is just getting kicks and is a sleaze,but won't ever admit to anything as that could destroy his security ie losing a housekeeper etc . I don't believe anything his says will comfort me . I've lost so much of my confidence over the years.

Husband flirting on Facebook

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Dear P Violet, What are men like eh? he has a beautiful and caring woman by his side ( you) and he still looking after others in FB. I tend to think is harmless and that he is not cheating on you, but I do see how it can hurt you and bringing your confidence down. I hate when man take woman for granted, and they usually do. If he loses you he will be begging on his knee to have you back I am sure, but sometimes they only realised what they have when they loose it! I am not saying to you to leave him tough. My advice would be to stay calm, do your things and try to add more excitement into the relationship. let him chase you a bit, be beautiful and playful , it could be a case that the relationship is getting into a routine and he is looking for excitement else where, as they say, man are "hunters". Have you ever read the book "the rules" ? have a look at the net, some people found it a bit old fashioned, but it did help me to raise my confidence at one time... I am not getting anything for the adverstiment, just really trying to help, there is one specifically for married woman. Man are so immature. I am sure he love you! Hope you two get it sorted!

Husband flirting on Facebook

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His behavior is disrespectful to you and should stop. It doesn't matter if he denies he is flirting. You have eyes and you can see that he is. And what even label he decides to place on his behavior with this woman it really makes no difference in the end. His behavior with her is hurting you and your relationship. I would not take "no" for an answer. There are things that I would put up with and things I will not. Flirting or being a creep liking a woman's boob pictures are not one of them. I would tell him he is hurting you and you find his behavior with the woman is hurting your relationship. Ask him nicely to stop. If he refuses then It would be time to re-evaluate your relationship with him. I would not be able to continue a relationship with a person who felt so little of my feelings. You need to think about how important this is to you.

Husband flirting on Facebook

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Hi, Thanks for responses, really makes me think! It is good writting all this down as i am able to consider situation more. I think being with someone for many years, the shine has worn off me and yes, i am taken for granted. Thing is this is not one person or isolated case. The fact that he is not literally unfaithful (to my knowledge)Is down to his luck i feel, doesn't really make much difference in some ways, he isn't with me. I think someone else can take him away and i might not feel so lousy! He has become very overweight and lazy, women on FB don't see his pic! Thank so much for any every input

Husband flirting on Facebook

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And yes, he is addicted to attention i believe .so is she, the boob woman (only a few years older than our daughter) They could be perfect for each other! If you can't tell i'm too digusted and angry to want to entice his into bed. Thanks for vent! I needed that!

Husband flirting on Facebook

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If he has deleted messages I would be concerned. If he had nothing to hide he would have left them there. He is crossing a boundary that shouldn't be crossed. You need to think this through and then talk to him.

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