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Obsessed / in love with a friend

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Hello I am a married woman, I have a wonderful husband who loves me to bits. Unfortunately he has a low sexual libido ( he is 47) and the spark seems to have gone from our relationship. I have tried numerous ways to arouse his interest but very little works and we only make love approx 3 to 4 times a month. We do get on well and have the same interests. Two years ago I met a man whilst walking the dog over the fields, we have built up quite a close friendship. About 14 months ago I realised that I had developed feelings for him. I think that I am obsessed with him as I think of him constantly. I see him everyday and he has even given me a key to his house so that on days when he is working away I can walk his dog. I have tried not seeing him and even hypnosis but this doe not help. He is married and I would say his wife is an alcoholic. I suspected that his marriage was loveless, but over the last few weeks he has started confiding more and more in me. He has told me that he is only staying for the sake of his son who is 11 and who he idolises. I think that he has feelings for me but he has never said so. He has been with his wife for 30 years and I think emotionally he is not confident with women. I don’t know what to do. I want to be there for him during this difficult time but I am scared I may do something stupid and make a pass at him, or he may do the same as I know I wouldn’t be able to resist him. Can you give me any advice please?

Obsessed / in love with a friend

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Hi Tiggipaws, Firstly you opened your statement by saying that you "have a wonderful husband who loves you to bits" yet no mention about how you feel about him. Secondly, if you have such strong feeling about the Dog Walker, well i would suggest that in your mind you have already given up on your husband and have started to look elsewhere albeit by chance meeting, but you subconsciously let yourself get closer to him. There must have been a time when you first realised you were attracted to this guy, well that was the time to take a step back and evaluate your life. It seems to me that you want to get close to the dog walker, if this is the case, you have to be honest with yourself and your husband and let him know, otherwise things will escalate with the dog walker and sooner or later your husband will find out, which would be totally unfair to all parties involved. Kind regards Howard.

Obsessed / in love with a friend

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if you help him and something does happen between you 2, i know it will all get messed up. that's just my opinion or some common sense. (no offense, seriously no offense) if you're not happy with your marriage, then perhaps it is time for a change. If the same things continue to happen to you, change is impossible. if you feel another road or path you have in front of you that is opened to walk down, and you think you may be happier walking down that road or path, then by all means, walk down it. i know that sounded too cliche, but hey, the cliches are sometimes the most honest advice to listen to. If you know the guy you have began to like is depressed or hurt, you should try to help. in the process, you COULD be helping yourself. maybe...maybe not. in the end, you know you're the one in control.

Obsessed / in love with a friend

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Stay the hell away, your askin wheather you should cheat on your doting loving husband! Out of order , Simple simon fact< MAKE UP YOUR MIND EITHER WAY! Cheating is wrong! Seperate and then have sex, tho I feel theres more to this story than meets the eye!

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