I really want my ex back :(

MIAMAGIC - Jul 15 2014 at 23:11
Me and my boyfriend were together for about 8 months, he had problems at home as his father was diagnosed with dementia so that made him quite withdrawn and cold to me at times however much i tried to help him. We were still happy though despite arguing a lot because we both had trust issues. After 8 months he told me he needed to be alone, so we began being friends but always having that special bond we still had. We planned to carry on meeting up with eachother and having fun, and he would still talk to me but i made it worse by getting really jealous at everything he did with someone else, which then resulted in him losing feelings for me he said. He carried on talking and flirting with me though until the other day where he said he didnt want to do any of those things with me anymore but he still wanted to be my friend. This made me really angry as i believed he was just leading me on the entire time wanting to hurt me. He's such a nice guy and the reason he stopped it all was so i wouldnt get hurt, and i realise that now but its too late as that day i got really angry at him, insulted him loads and then he finally said he'd had enough, said he hated me, hoped i leaved school, said id ruined every possible chance with him and said some really horrible stuff, he then said he was going to block me and not to talk to him again.. i was really heartbroken at this and even after begging and apologising which i normally do a lot to him he blocked me.
A few hours later though i noticed he'd unblocked my number, does this mean he could still want to talk to me? should i start a conversation and apologise for all the things i said? i really want to be in a relationship with him but he said he doesnt want that with me even though he gave me a lot of signs that he still did... im just really upset and confused and need some advice:(
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your boyfriend. Frankly, if he's the kind of person who is trying to block you then unblocking you it seems like even he is not sure. I know you said you both had trust issues but I think that you need to try and calmly talk to him. Maybe meet somewhere quiet for a drink. Tell him that you just want to clear the air and apologise to him for the things you said. Often, if we are afraid or unsure, it is easy to panic and be unkind. He probably feels the same way. Ask him, tell him that you want to know the truth. Don't play games, cut the bull**** and really try to foster a feeling of openness and honesty. If you can fix it, great but realise that there will be a possibility that you can't fix this. If that is the case then take time to grieve for your relationship and move on with your life. You need a man who will treat you well and you too must be open, honest and kind. Don't relay on signs or games. The only way you ever really know is to ask someone. Good luck!
Do apologize to him when the opportunity presents itself but don't become the clingy needy person in front of him ever again. Respect what he told you and stay away from him for a while. The more you chase someone, the more they will move away from you. If its meant to be, it will always come back to you. So first give him his space and some time and then you both sit together and decide for final.
If you keep being clingy and needy you will be ruining every chance of being together ever. Instead be the opposite....confident, open and fun to be with person.
I would not contact him for a while. Your heart is too invested in him. You apologized already right before he blocked you. Now take a break from him. get your mind and heart together.
It sounds like after the break up with him you were not emotionally ready to be friends. If you were ready then you would not have been having the jealous feelings. I suggest taking some time off from being his friend.
Maybe a month or two. Then when you feel that you can really be JUST his friend then message him and please do not fall into the whole flirting and joking thing again. It would irritate old wounds of yours and cause you to feel that there is more to this then there really is.
After you take a break from him then you need to be the one to set the boundaries and tell him that the flirting needs to stop. You need to protect your own heart. And please don't beg any one to do anything.