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I inadvertently saw that my fiance (who is 52) was confirming some new account when I walked by him. I saw him hesitate for just a split second (like a deer caught in headlights, deciding what to do) and then confirm the new account. I asked him what it was he just did and he responded he confirmed a snapchat account he just set up. I asked him why he would want that and he said so I can try it out to see if it is easier to send pictures between you and I than texting. I said don't I need to create an account also then to see if it would be easier? And he states that he was going to check it out first as he knows I don't like to add apps (which is untrue). My concerns are if he did really intend to check it out to see if it was easier to send what few pictures he sends to me, who is he going to practice sending stuff too if I don't also install the app? I did some research online about snapchat and it is virtually a way to send pictures, videos and messages that delete themselves after 10 seconds unless you take a snapshot of the screen. The main users are aged 18 to 30. I want to trust him but something in my gut is telling me that something isn't right here..... am I overreacting?


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I dont think your overreacting, go with your gut. I wouldn't accuse him of anything without proof and you have to give the benefit of the doubt since he didn't lie about the account in the first place. I would just keep a eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary. Best of luck


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I wouldn't believe him. Is any thing else going on that would make you not want to trust him? This in and of its self would not be a reason to mistrust him though it really looks bad. And sounds like a load of crap. Watch out for sure.


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Follow your gut guides us when we're unsure and it's usually right.


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I know he watches porn and when we first moved in together I saw he was in a sex chat room and watched a lot of porn. When I confronted him he lied about it and later on we discussed it and I chose to give him another chance. He spends every morning and night before bed in the bathroom with his phone for 45 min to 90 min. He does have stomach problems but I always wonder what he is doing in there. I have tried to discuss these things with him and it turns into a huge fight. I know I need to trust him for this to work and I'm trying. Just when I start to feel great about trust, something like this triggers my gut into doubting. I really need some advice on this please.......

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