Am I right for cutting her off from my life?
JUST_THAT_DUDE_ - Jul 18 2014 at 06:14
Okay, there is a girl that I've known for little over a year now. Ever since I met her, I have felt totally in love with her. We could talk about anything together, and did everything together. She was my best friend, and I was her best friend. I never told her how I truely felt, however, in fear that she didn't feel the same and thus ruining our friendship. So throughout thisblast year Ive known her, we remained best friends, talking all day everyday about everything, never getting mad or upset. It was all perfect until lately. Out of nowhere, she has been being a total jerk to me, talking down to me and insulting everything I stand for. We would talk all day still, but it was usually me turning the other cheek as she further made fun of me, insulting me and mocking me. This continued for a week, and then I had simply had enough. I told her over text to get the hell out of my life, that Im sick of her constant mocking of me. I told her how she was making me feel, and how its nothing like the friendship we used to have. She said "whatever" not caring at all after what I said. Its been a few days now, and its been absolutely miserable. I feel like I love her regardless of how she treated me, and want to text her back apologizing for going off on her, but at the same time I feel like I need to move on (all the while feeling as though she is my life, and I cannot move on without her). Is cutting her out of my life for the best, or should I try after all thats happened to repair what we had? Moving on is easy enough to say, but I really do feel like I love her, she is always in my thoughts.
She couldn't of been your best friend for her to treat you the way she fact, she never was your friend going by your post.
Ask yourself why a 'friend' would put you down constantly until you reached the point of having to tell them to get out of your life.
Why bother apologizing if you know you've done nothing wrong? You only apologize if you expect it from yourself, and not if other people expect it from you. Instead, your actions were a direct reaction to her verbal abuse, and rightly so.
You're correct, moving on is easy to say and a lot harder to do, but if you feel that that's the right thing to do, then do it, because your instinct is talking to you. It's giving you a heads up to move on.
We all need someone in our lives who will respect us and appreciate us for who we are no matter what the circumstances. We don't need people who drag us down with hurtful actions and words and for no reason other than they feel they can.
Her "whatever" says it all. She was willing to be nasty and rude to you and when you told her off, instead of her coming back with "I'm so sorry I didn't realize I was hurting you" she just gives a "whatever" like your feelings mean nothing. Its only been a few days. Move on, maybe she will she how much she misses you and that she really was being a rude jerk and apologize or she will just stay away and continue her rudeness on another person. Either way until she comes back with a sincere apology then stay away for sure. And next time a "friend" is rude to you stand up for yourself "hey, I don't appreciate that talk. Are you trying to upset me? Talk to me with more respect or I will have to let you go".
Wow this is really crazy because I just posted something like this except I had it from the opposite side.
I'm the girl who you were great friends with but secretly in love with.(not literally)
I had a very close friend for 5 years who treated me amazing and put up with all my crap, who I knew was in love with me. I totally used the fact that he cared for me so much to my advantage, and I know I took him for granted because now he doesn't speak to me. He sent me a text similar to the one you sent your girl.
I have tried so hard to get him to talk to me again, it's been 18 months, and he's totally cut me off.
My point is, if this girl valued you or your friendship at all, she will see what a jerk she is being and come around. But if she was just some snobby chick who used your feelings as ways to get what she wanted from you, you are way better off without her. You will find someone who appreciates you and reciprocates all the nice things you do for them one day.
Tell me, did you do a lot of favors and nice things for her?
We girls know when a guy has feelings for us, trust me. Don't let her play with you. You deserve better.