Unsure and hurting

TIPPB - Jul 21 2014 at 05:52
I was with my ex for five years. we had known eachother before that. the first year of our relationship, was okay, but he lied alot. after the first year he flirted alot, belittled me, lied to me about his childs mother, and involved himself with other women. he ended up cheating on me, and i found out about it two years later. He a year later he bought a house without me knowing. months after that i ended things with him. he texts me sometimes. should i just ignore him. i have no self worth, i feel so close to ending my life. i feel as if no one could possibly love me
If he really cared about you, he wouldn't have lied, and he would have thought about how you felt about all of this, and not done anything to hurt you. He may think he loves you, but I bet it's a corrupted version of love, if it is a form of it at all. Get away, get a life and don't go back to him, it's what he wants, and you know it's going to hurt you.
Remember, love in this context means passion, respect, honesty, caring and friendship. Anything less isn't true love.
i dont really think that about the lying.. this guy i know lied to me about his girlfriend and he did not want to hurt me but my point is that sometimes guys lie and they can't tell if it's for the good or not. if i were u just ignore him he has done so much to u it's not worth hurting yourself or even ending your life. don't end your life just think if u ever want a family. yeah it won't be with him because he does not deserve u. dating is to met other people to see if u could marry them so it's going to hurt a lot but u have to be stronger than that and fight through.
I want to tell you I am SO proud of you. You have real strength in you to ignore his texts. Many girls take their hurt and push it down and stay in bad relationships with horrible people because they are too weak to let go.
You have proven to be strong. Stronger then you even realize. don't give up, your pain now is natural and will diminish over time. Do not give in and message him. He will only pull you down and hurt you more.
Keep strong. Love yourself and you will find another person who does as well.