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Mature virgin woman masturbating?

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It's quite embarrassing as I come from a very conservative background. I am quite shy even asking this question, but I don't know what to do to stop the constant urges. I'm quite embarrassed to say that I am a 33 year old female virgin and have never masturbated. I don't think there is something wrong with me, it's just an opportunity to have sex never happened. But now I am constantly thinking of sex, getting sexual urges sometimes for days on end etc. I am even thinking of getting a vibrator just to please the urges. I am quite scared to do it, since it will be my first experience but I am also quite excited at what I might feel. Is there something wrong with me or my sexual urges? Will it calm the urges a bit if I masturbate? I am quite shy about this subject as sex and masturbate is not a common subject in my family / friends circle. I am quite a sorry Suzi / sad case and feel like I am doing something so out of character by ordering a vibrator. Any advice? Should I masturbate? I have read that I will bleed at first and be sore? Is there any risk in masturbating with a vibrator? Is it wrong of me to want to masturbate? I have accepted that I won't be having sex with a partner any time soon, if at all. But feel as though I want to know how it feels with a penis shaped object inside me. And I think about it a lot And also, I live in a commune and I'm scared that I will make noises. How to discreetly masturbate?

Mature virgin woman masturbating?

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masturbation is the only way to relieve sexual urges if you are not having sex.your urges are normal dont worry.

Mature virgin woman masturbating?

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Masturbation is a very personal thing. I want to do it more (have sex more) after I masturbate. It doesn't diminish my urges it only makes me want the "real" thing more. Yes vibrators are safe to use. And you can get ultra silent ones.

Mature virgin woman masturbating?

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Dear Ruby, My way of masturbating is easy: What gets you aroused? Reading stories? Watching videos? USE THEM! I like amateur (as real as it can get) videos. Get a large towel, roll it and put it in your bed. Open your legs and rest your naked pussy in the towel. Then you can either thrust back and forth or you can open and close your legs around the towel (like making snow angels, only facing down). Do it with strength. This stimulates your vulva and clitoris, without the need of inserting anything into your vagina. If you are aroused, (watching a movie, or short internet video) you will have an orgasm very quickly and feel it intensely. Humping is also ok, but may take more time. I recommend you try the "opening and closing of your legs" around a large rolled up towel before you buy the vibrator.

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