Crush, big crush
TWISTEDTAZZ - Jul 22 2014 at 15:35
Hey guys. There is this girl in a school I used to study. I dropped out of school and just giving my Igs. I've never talked to her in person nor on a social network. I have talked to her on like twice or thrice but it wasn't really a conversation just a few compliments I gave to her to make her day.I liked her question which said like for a TBH post so I liked it. Then she posted on my wall : "Tbh (To be honest), you're good looking and kind hearted and you have respect for women.
I really want to take her out but you jut can't simply ask a stranger out. So, how do I be friends with her first (I'll take care about the friend zone)
Actually you can just ask a stranger out. It great meeting someone new and exciting and she already said you had some good qualities.
I prefer going out with someone I just met rather then a pal because you get all the date treatment right away and its not awkward like it is with a friend where your not sure if you should be friendly or be passionate.
I think you should just ask her out and have an awesome date planned, like a pic-nick at a botanical garden, or a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant. First impressions are lasting. If you get dressed up and go some where romantic that sticks in a girls head. Having the pal/friend first well THAT gets stuck in their head too.