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Why is he doing this?

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I have been with my current boyfriend for one year. He is almost 10 years older than I am. We both have a child from previous relationships , I was married-he has never been married. My problem is that I feel like he wants to appear unattached in some way. I told the father of my child about him within 3-6 months do dating because I wanted him to know that another man was involved in our child's life and I feel like there is a future with him. He, on the other hand, still hides the fact that he is in a relationship with me. He hasn't told the mother of his child that he has been seeing me for over a year, even though I spend a descent amount of time with his child. He also has not introduced me to his family. He says it is because he doesn't want to subject me to their behavior. I told him that it doesn't matter because I love him and accept everything about him. He also is very secretive on social media sites. I I friended him after a few months because he pretty much hides everything..his friend list, there is no evidence of me in posts, pictures, and his status is single. Recently he made the comment "don't expect marriage..I would be more than happy to date you forever,though" I knew when I met him that he gave off an eternal bachelor vibe, but he says the most amazing things to me on a daily basis. He says I am his best friend, I improve his life immensely, he adores/loves me, and constantly showers me with compliments. We spend almost every night together, but we do not live together. We are very much in love. I believe he truly loves me more than anything, but has done serious relationship issues. My lease is up soon and I feel like if we aren't progressing then what's the point? We are together every day! We do everything together. It would kill me to walk away from this relationship but if something doesn't change I'm going to end up pushing him away. I just don't understand why he behaves this way. I want a man who is proud to be with me and isn't afraid to tell/show anyone. I want 100% from him. I want a future with him. What do I do??? Do I give home MORE time? Or back off? I feel like I should get what I need out of this..we BOTH deserve happiness, and right now I am miserable. I need advice!

Why is he doing this?

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Obviously he has commitment issues (having a child from a previous unmarried relationship & telling you not to expect marriage). The question is why. Did his parents have a bad marriage? If he watched his parents suffer constantly through a bad marriage, for example, he might expect the same consequences and therefore might not want to subject himself to that again. Also, in the grand scheme of things, one year is quite a short length for a relationship - it's a bit soon to be playing the "he should commit or else there's no point" card. If it was 5 years and he hadn't made any progress in committing, then it would be a different story. Have you ever talked to him about this? Like, sat down and said "Hey, so our relationship is really great right now, but I would like to know where we are going from here"? Commitment takes the work of both partners. It's not enough for you to say "I commit to you" and expect him to say "Okay me too"; you have to work with him in order to obtain that commitment. You can be open with him and voice your concerns (just be careful to avoid ultimatums and accusations; don't sound as if you're trying to force him into a corner). If there are issues other than this, you have a right to know about it, but the only way you'll find out is if you talk to him about it.

Why is he doing this?

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the question it "what do you want out of life and a relationship?" you don't sound ok with what he has given to you. You are asking yourself if there isn't more then what is the point? a valid question. You need to get on the same page as him. Let him know what you expect out of a relationship. You don't want to wait 5 years and find out that this is just the way it will be for the rest of your lives. Let him know that you need more out of a relationship then just a "secret boyfriend" you need to get to know his family, his friends, have him be proud of you and show you off. Move in together and share your lives. He just may not want to do this. Don't wait for another year of two to go by before you tell him what you really want. You both need to talk about this. Its not pushing him away or forcing him to do anything, so don't feel that you are. Its letting him know your expectations for a relationship and getting to know his. Hopefully you both can find middle ground.

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