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Making a joke?

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I went to bed ready to have sex with my oh. He said, not the second time today. We hadnt had sex anytime in the day. Said he was joking because we were having a laugh. Why come out with something like that. He knows im insecure and have accussed him of cheating in the past. He had been touching me more then usual earlier in the night which is not like him and was giving signs he wanted to have sex. When he got home from work I mentioned about it and he said, have it tonight. Was he joking about having it earlier in day or did he cheat on me

Making a joke?

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Lighten up. It was a joke. Work on being more sure of yourself. Don't punish him for your insecurities. Learn to laugh about the things you dint finds appealing about yourself, you will see, you are the one that focuses on the flaws.

Making a joke?

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If I were you I would have a sit down talk with him about what you have been feeling. I would ask him what has caused this sudden change in behavior (the jokes, the increased touching, etc.) whether it is cheating or not. If it is not cheating and it is really something else, knowing what is going on with him might help put you at ease.

Making a joke?

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He could just be joking for real, if he knows that you are insecure, he will constantly play tricks with your mind the worse kind. He is just making sure that you are listening to every words that he says. But time will tell if he's not joking. "Everything done in the dark will come to the light." Cause he will slip up with a name or try something new with you that is totally not him. Don't get excited calm down and let him do his thing the truth will automatically come to you. Check mate!

Making a joke?

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He could just be joking for real, if he knows that you are insecure, he will constantly play tricks with your mind the worse kind. He is just making sure that you are listening to every words that he says. But time will tell if he's not joking. "Everything done in the dark will come to the light." Cause he will slip up with a name or try something new with you that is totally not him. Don't get excited calm down and let him do his thing the truth will automatically come to you. Check mate!

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