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So,am in a long distance relationship its been 4 months and i really cannot cope with this distance plus we cannot even talk often this make things worst its been 2 days he has not even sent me one message and now,he's gonna come back and give me a perfect reason why he could not talk then i would not even be able to get mad at him am so frustrated, at times i think he does not even care about me or even love me sometimes i feel like breaking up with him but i cant cos 1st i love this guy too much and 2nd he said if i left him he would kill himself am so confused,i dont even know whats wrong with our relationship Could anyone give me some advice about how to handle all this please Thanks in advance.

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Firstly, you cannot let him guilt trip you into staying with him just because he says he'll kill himself. It's not fair to you, and honestly it's not fair to him either. If you stay with him just because of that, you'll be miserable, and it will affect how you are in the relationship, which will eventually make him miserable, which will ultimately end in breaking up anyway. But the real point is that relationships are built off of a mutual desire to be with one another and a mutual goal to improve the relationship. If you are not happy, you have every right to end it. If he tries to guilt you into staying with him, then he is manipulating you against your will, and like it or not, this is a form of mental and emotional abuse. It will not end there. If he is actually suicidal, he needs help from a professional - you do not have the training nor the skills to help him. Before anything, though, you should sit down and talk to him, and express your concerns. When you express yourself, try not to sound accusatory; what I mean by that is, instead of saying "you don't care about me anymore" (accusing him of not caring), say "When you don't talk to me for 2 days, it makes me feel that you don't care about me" (expressing your feelings). It's not about being able to get mad at him, but about expressing what you are honestly feeling inside. It's hard, I know, but you have a right to say what you feel. And he has a right to know what you're feeling too. Good luck. x

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He is a manipulator. This relationship is already so dysfunctional you will never be truly happy.

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Well thanks for the advice,it helped me alot to realise we was just not meant to be together Anyway its been 3 days now and no news of my supposed boyfriend so i guess its over turning to a fresh page of my life thanks anyway.

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Read your words over carefully, your words. Now listen to my word: This guy has someone could be a girlfriend or wife that's why his time is limit. Find someone that is within your own city limits, any and everything could go on within long distant relationships. He doesn't even care enough to check on you and make sure that you are alright, he will be in and out of your life, come and go as he pleases, because he doesn't really even care about you. Wake up Eva, smell the fresh roses, get a fresh start on life drop this zero and get you a true hero (smile) OK!

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