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My wife and I have been married for almost two years. We met, fell in love and got married quickly. The sex was great at first but dwindled soon. Recently while talking about a few problems, she told me that she does not want to have sex, ever but does it to placate me. Then she said she's never really been in love but loves me very much and wants to try and make it work. I have no idea what in the hell to do. Does anyone have a suggestion?


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Billy- I would consider marriage counseling and go from there. Tackle the issues which are she was never in love/lack of sex. It's the only way to really communicate and understand the things you're clueless about.


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I believe you and her married too soon...if you think it is worth saving the marriage, you and her need to learn one another because you or her didn't give yourselves time to find out if the both of you were compatible for each other.if she is willing and you to work at it I believe it can prosper... But it has got to be both of you guys working at it...


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Don't let any one tell you just because you met fell in love and got married quickly That it wont work. Not saying you two wont have problems because every marriage has Its problems For this to work you do need to work together and be open with each other The situation will get better In this world every thing happens for a reason weather it is to learn something to move on together I met my true love and got married 6 months after we met and that was 30 years ago So see it can last But like I said you will have your love tested in many ways and there will be problems but they can be worked out if it is meant to be You say that she will only have sex with you to placate you, Then what you need to do is make It all about her needs make her feel like she is the only one and sex don't have to be intercourse. sweet words long walks in the mountains do romantic stuff. your life is already mapped out if is meant to be then its will happen Good Luck we are all not with out problems

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