He's left me for someone he's known two weeks?

SARAH2810 - Jul 31 2014 at 01:40
So me and my fiancé have been together for 6 years and have a young daughter. For awhile my fiancé was acting strange he stopped hugging me kissing me or wanting to spend time with me. He then started to ignore his daughter. I found out today he has been messaging another women she lives in America we live in the uk. The have been speaking for two weeks only and he now says they are both in love he has sent her flowers told me they speak for hours on Skype when we aren't around and has left me and my daughter!
I find this very odd! We sadly lost a baby 7 weeks ago which has been very tough for us both. I just don't see how he can suddenly change like that he acts like he hates me. I must mention that he is using very strong steroids at the moment and is very obsessed with the gym.
Could this affected the way he feels or am I kidding myself and he really does love this other women after two weeks of chatting online?
Please tell me your opinions I'm so confused x
You cant force a person to have a relationship with you. What ever the reason, he left you. He didn't say "hey If feeling this way" or "I want to do this" no, he said "I AM doing this". That is selfish and he has no desire to work with you.
You are trying to find excesses for him and maybe there are some but in the end he did leave you.
It seems very odd that a person would leave a relationship of 6 yrs for someone who is 7 seas away, for someone they have not met and for someone whom they have only known for two weeks.
Are you sure he has not been seeing someone more local to you? I would look into this other woman a little more. This two week online dating thing just does not seem to add up.
You say he has been taking steroids? How long has he been taking them? Did you notice changes in his behaviour? And if you did, since when?
Hi thank you for your replies. It's only the last two weeks they have been talking there is defiantly no other girls just the one in America. I have spoken to her and she has confirmed that after two weeks they are in love and want to make it work?! Even though he has been lying to her. It just seems so very strange to me. He has been taking steroids for years they mainly just made him moody and short tempered. Three weeks ago he switched to a different steroid a more stronger one which he is injecting along with a less stronger one and side then he has been very up and down. One min he's happy then he's depressed. Moody short tempered but only towards me and my daughter. I feel like I don't even know who he is anymore what he's done is completely out of character. I know steroids can make you delusional is this what is going on or has he really fallen for this girl? He has phoned me nearly in years asking to come home few hours later he's saying he wants the other girl and is very cold towards me.
I forgot to mention he is not interested in counselling or any kind of help to quit the steroids. He really is addicted to them his behaviour is worrying me a lot.
See it is grieving period for both of you for the lost baby .While you must have got tied up in your own emotional sadness, he must have looked for solace outside on net. She might have provided that.
Unfortunately you are left with only 2 options. One, consider that its over (as hard it may seem thats the truth) and try to move on slowly. Two, move away from him and then wait and see where this online thing gets to in the end. In all probabilities it might not last long.