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Relationships / emotions

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I've been in a relationship for a little over three and a half years. I want you to keep in mind we were young and still are, due to our age our relationship cannot extend like it should after dating for almost 4 years. Both still in school, trying to make money, living with family. We can't get married, have a kid, move in together, etc. But that's not the problem. We were each others first loves, therefor what do we really know about love. Literally my first everything. It was all good at first then we had our off and on stages, breaking up a lot, not being faithful, etc. We broke up for a little back in Dec, didnt talk, I was heart broken. Then out of no where he came back and took over my heart again because he knew he could. THEN once again, he broke up with me over the stupidest thing and a couple weeks later he came running back because he missed me. We are currently 'together' even though we haven't discussed the 'boyfriend, girlfriend' titles this time. I do love him and I have days where he's all I want and more then days where we could be together all day and barely look at one another because we piss each other off so easy. I just want to know, it there a time when things should just be left alone and unfixable? We've had good times but that doesnt always outweigh the bad, ya know? Are we far past being fixed?

Relationships / emotions

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See when two people want to be together very rarely will they fix in like a perfect puzzle piece. There will be differences. Whats important is whats acceptable to us (or can be ignored by us) and whats not acceptable. Where ever you feel that absolutely cannot be put up with, sit and talk about it. Ask him to cooperate in those areas to help fix those. whatever can be ignored, ignore it, don't make an issue out of it. Lesser the issues, more the time for love. There is no right way or wrong way to do things in life. Its only how each of us perceive it. When 2 different people come together each of them will look at the same issue from a different side. Being compatible depends on how good you are at understanding the issue from the opposite side (and vice versa).

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