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Is it worth trying to salvage my relationship with my sister?

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My sister is 36, has never moved out of home and has hardly worked for any of her adult life. She and I were close when we were in our early teens (I am 34) but as I went to university, moved out, had a relationship, career and now children, we grew apart as we had less and less in common any more. I feel she is really stunted emotionally, and its like she stayed a teenager while the rest of the world moved on. My parents have recently split up after 40+ rocky years together, and my mother has moved close by to me and my sister has moved with her, so I have been seeing more of her than I have in years. I feel I constantly have to walk on eggshells around her because she takes everything as criticism and is very sensitive and aggressive. Further, I don't like how she is with my toddler, she gets him a bowl of salty junk food everytime I am there I think mainly because she knows it annoys be but I stupidly didn't say anything because of the whole eggshells thing. I have also been really annoyed because the last 2 years that she was living at home with my parents, she would not talk to my dad at all and would say things like she wished he would die and crap like that. After my parents separated it was like a switch was flicked and she is back best buds with dad again and calls him every night. This is another thing that really pisses me off because I don't understand it at all. Most of our communication has been via text message the last few years and recently it all became too much and we had a fight via text and have not talked since. It has made it really awkward for me to go around to my mums new house so I have only been there once in the last 2 months. Anyway, I decided enough was enough, and texted her a few days ago asking if she wanted to talk about this mess and sort it out, and I got no response. I was indeed willing to work it out but her ignoring yet another olive branch has made me even angrier than I was before. What does everyone think??

Is it worth trying to salvage my relationship with my sister?

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Your sister is much too immature, even at 36, to sort anything out with an adult. By you having to walk to eggshells you are only enabling her to contribute further to your misery and confusion about the whole situation. Take control of your life and let your sister live hers without you having to make adjustments to suit her. In her own little way she's controlling you. If you can only communicate with her via text then what's the use? It 's only another indicator of her immaturity and you are going to her level by demonstrating to her that you are compliant to her and her conditions. You don't have to sort anything with her and why waste yet ANOTHER olive branch with someone who doesn't respect you? Go to your Mum's house as much as you need to and ignore your sister's childish behavior. Live your life to your values and standards, and not to your sister's scheming and manipulative ways. Your sister will find out what the world's really like when your parents are gone..but that's her lookout.

Is it worth trying to salvage my relationship with my sister?

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Thank you Manalone and SusieDQ for your advice and wise words, it is much appreciated.

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