Marriage advice

TANISHA - Aug 6 2014 at 05:07
Hello I need some perspective on my married life. I am 37 years old married for the last 3 years. I met my husband through some common relatives. He is a simple genuine person but at the end of the day all words and no action. He does not financially support me (cause earlier he was helping his father in his business and was not paid . His dad only paid for his expenses like car insurance and mobile bill). After his father's business closed he was unemployed and has just barely started earning meager wages. I work and pay my own bills. He does not like socializing hence I land up alone at parties or get together unless I push him (which is too tiring for me). Our sex life is down the dumps as he has some health issues for which he refuses to take treatment. He just brushes them aside. I want a child badly and he though he has started agreeing with me he refuses to take treatment or work towards it. As i said earlier he is words and no action. I do not find him doing this to make me feel like someones special like making a cup of coffee, taking me out for movies or even for some small vacation. I feel lately I am just wasting my life being with him . What do i do?
Your husband may be suffering from depression or something similar. You state that although he is genuine, he can't support you because of low wages or unemployment. His father's business has closed and this may have also contributed to your husband's indifference.
Depression and low or no sex drive go hand in hand and your husband does need to see a professional.
One thing that stands out is that you don't mention your love for him anywhere in your post and if you can't talk to him and convince him to seek help, then you may have to leave if you feel that you are wasting your life with him.
Since talks have failed to see action, set a deadline for both of you (to see change). If even after deadline there is no initiative and no change, you might consider moving out. You are already 37 and if you want to start a family you need to do it now. He needs to understand that.
Take a break from the relationship. See if you really are better on your own. Let him see how he feels about being without you. Maybe it will be the motivation you two need to fix this or move on.