Seperation advice please

UPPERCUT88 - Aug 16 2014 at 07:23
My wife and I have been together for 14 years. Her husband left her with three young boys. I fell in love with her. Together we became a family and the ex husband was nowhere to be found for the boys. In 2007 she told me she was pregnant. We have a beautiful daughter. Boys are over 18 now and our daughter is now 7.In May she started to change when she switched hair salons. Late nights, lots of drinking, shady characters. I didnt mind. Im a teacher and she has her profession. She then started violently accusing me of having an affair. First a picture on my phone of a playground set we were going to buy our daughter for Christmas. She said I was seeing this teacher and her kids. I Found picture at target website and mailed it to her. She apologized. Then she said she took my phone to a "forensic cell guy" and I had this teachers kids daycare in my phone. I was floored. Next she said this teacher was texting and herassing her but would not show me. This isnt even a teacher i know or at my school. I reported this teachers behavior to her principal. The principal told me she was on leave in the Coast Guard for 2 months so how could she be herrasing my wife. I was humiliated. She then threw me out after beating the crap out of me all wasted in front of our daughter. I just left. Her drinking was just getting too much, violence, accusations. I have since found out she started dating a guy "but not til I moved out" cause he is such a "moral" man. My daughter says they talk all the time. Im so torn. I love her. Always have. Its been 4 months seperated. Whats driving me crazy is when I have to see her she asks me to stay the night for our daughter. So I cave in and spend the night on couch. If I try and leave SHE starts texting Im going to see my girlfiend, when I dont have one and yes sadly Im living back with parents. Why would she even care? She threw me out. Shes seeing someone else! One day day she tells me I should just admit the affair and we will get back together. But Im not admitting to the one thing i would never do.Obviously the affair allegations were to get me out cause she told me he makes like 75,000 and Im just a loser elementary teacher. Ok I get that. But since shes seeing someone else why does she text me all drunk that Im not responding cause Im with my girlfriend??? I always respond to show her Im not with anyone!!! But to ANY women out there WHY does she care?? I get close to feeling better (No Contact)about things for a few weeks then she starts in with the texts again.We are still married legally but her behavior is just bending me in circles emotionally. Im all for getting back together I dont want my daughter from broken home. But one day its she's nice then i catch her in another lie and she cant be found or cancells plans with me and our daughter. Please help. Sorry so long. Thank you.
Go shopping get a new look different from yours. smile and be happy and confident in front of her when you have to see her. Forget about being with her and be happy and make some moves in a forward direction in your life. Embrace being single. :)
Uppercut88, yes, it's time to get away completely. Your ex is drinking and becoming violent and unpredictable. It's a lousy mix to be part of..and one where no one wins. You can however, remove yourself completely from the situation and get out from under the control your ex has on you.
Don't answer her drunken texts and don't give her the satisfaction of her using your daughter to control you further emotionally.
Make a stand and realise that your marriage is over and as the other posters have said, organise your life for your daughter's sake.
I see that the OP has not been back to view responses & comment those who took the time to respond, so I'd probably be wasting my time...