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Woman following my husband on instagram

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A woman started following my husband on instagram whom we both know through business. We haven't seen this woman in years, but had heard she got divorced (we have several mutual friends with the woman). My husband followed the woman back, assuming she would follow me as well, but she never did. This bothers me, especially because the woman is in our orbit, I see her "likes" on his photos all the time. She obviously sees my "likes" on his instagram, as well as the tags and reposts of my stuff my husband puts up. I told my husband how much this upsets me, hoping he would unfollow her, but he didn't. He did say he wouldn't like her photos anymore, which is something, I guess. I don't know why it continues to upset me so much. (Maybe because because my husband has started a new job where it highly possible he will run into her.) Is it crazy that I am so upset/threatened?

Woman following my husband on instagram

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If it is bothering you this much then your husband should delete her off and stop following her. Its just some woman and not a life long friend or relative. Just some woman. Its bothering you. You are important to him, she is not. He needs to delete her. If he doesn't then that is a problem. Why will he not? No reason. why should he? because it is upsetting you and your security. That's a good enough reason.

Woman following my husband on instagram

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Some woman follows your husband and she is not following you back is that what bothers you? For god sake are you out of your mind or is this because you have nothing else to worry at all???? Lady you are so upset and threatened because of this? I am not dropping here what I feel about you as a woman ... you are suffering from unwanted jealousy. And you assume things and suffer. Why don't you also follow people as much as you want on instagram and learn to admire their photography? Put "like" on instagram does not mean your husband kneel down and propose them to marry. Or may be you feel that way because the "like" on instagram look like a heart? For what you felt threaten is a silly joke! But if your husband abuse you mentally psychically, ignore your neediness, Does not care about you at all, not being there for you, does not share the house hold with you, does not cope with administrative stuff, once already cheated, took a knife against you in front of your child, keep saying " I will kill you" Then you really need to feel being threatened,that is what my sister went through. People like you got nothing to worry so find something from your own Ipad to worry. Wake up woman. If you want to worry, read news papers see how many kids are dying per day with no food with war, how many wives got murdered due to abusive husbands, how many businesses go break and how many people stuck financially,, those are some of trouble you can think worry of.

Woman following my husband on instagram

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If another woman whom neither my partner or I knew very well, began following my husband on instagram, began liking his posts, yet did not befriend me in the same manner, yes, I would be unhappy too and I would voice my concerns to him. No matter how confident I was about our relationship, I would put a stop to it. You as a wife do not own your husband BUT if I felt another woman was beginning to invade MY territory, I WOULD let him know as it is situations like THIS, where further trouble could arise.

Woman following my husband on instagram

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And no, it is not crazy that you are so upset/threatened. It just shows the actions of a loving, vigilant wife.

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