My wing mirror keeps being vandalised

ARNOLD - Mar 2 2005 at 09:06
What can I do to prevent this from happening? The police are not interested, and I have to pay out all the time, because it isnt worth claiming on my insurance because I will lose my no claims bonus.
Hi Arnold,
I know the feeling - in my experience the police have shown no interest. I recall ringing them one Sunday morning after particularly frequent spate of tyres being let down. The Duty Sergeant laughed and said it wasn?t a crime. Nowadays I only inform police if I need a crime report number for insurance. They do not care one bit, and make you feel a nuisance for callin
I set up CCTV looking out from the front bedroom of my house to catch these bastards!!!
When I was on holiday, bricks were thrown at the camera, breaking the window and causing damage to my walls - they just don't know where to stop!
install cctv cameras that will soon get the fuckers to go away
fuck it move house