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me and my bf we used to talk about our ex bt istoped he hav no we all stay in same location and we see them sometimes itold him to feel free to got to her and he says im crazey and he was jast talking if he continues should ileave him or he trying to send me signs that shows he want her

Help pls

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girl here maybe he was just talking with his ex.. he choosed you , so, he likes you right? Unless you feel he doesn't like you, you souldn't leave him.

Help pls

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In what WAY does he talk about her? See both your exes together as a foursome or separately and independently of each other? And WHY? Are kids involved? Regardless of what it may be, if your partner is doing something which you've made clear you personally find unacceptable and intolerable (in the context of too much time having passed to any longer warrant or justify it) and refuses to stop (or if that's not possible, tone it down), then you have to *prove* it's actually unacceptable and intolerable via firm decisions and actions rather than just continuing, futilely, to complain about it, don't you? But let me ask you this: does he achieve greater keenness and attention from you as well as get his way more than he otherwise might because of it (though it making you feel insecure and clingier)? Who talked most about whose ex, initially? And same for, who used to see whose ex the most?

Help pls

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I am not too sure if you post your problems due to boredom. From age gap to pregnacy to exes. People who reply to problems go out of their way to try and give the best advice possible. Don't waste peoples valuable time. Best advice given to you on this thread is 'grow up'

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