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Do I leave or stay?

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Okay, so I find myself with a problem. I'm 18 and live with my partner, also 18; he has to live in the metro area to study, and both my parents are total drug addicts who care more about money than their children- i cant live with them. My bf I've been with for 2 years with a break in between- i caught him cheating with lots of others. That's in the past though; I find now that I feel trapped. i'm only 18 and feel like he is holding me back. I work 35 hour weeks and study full time; he goes to uni 2 days a week and works 10 hours, yet still can't find the time to do the dishes. I pay for everything because he has 'no money'- where it goes i don't know. Whenever we get into arguments he turns violent and stands over me and screams or walks out, yet the rest of the time he is amazing; i dont doubt he loves me. Yet, lately there seems to be so many strange occurrences. For example, hes messaging girlfriends he cheated on me with, and he has tinder which he thinks is 'a game'. I am estranged from my family but today caught him talking to my cousin on it, despite that its fathers day here and I had had no contact. I am ready to snap- add it to the fact there is another guy I am falling head over heels for, and I am a mess. I feel so young and have never been alone- he is all i have. He needs a place to stay to study, but I shouldn't be his mother in this. Do i stay, or do i go? I know I would break his heart- but is he honestly worth it anymore?

Do I leave or stay?

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HE IS ABSOLUTELY NOT WORTH IT. It looks like he is taking advantage of you and even if he is the only one you have, maybe being with yourself is better than being with someone who is taking you for granted and doesn't even treat you like you deserve. It will be hard at first, but when you think about it the right things to do in life is mostly the hard thing to do but in the end you will always reap what you sow. You are young and your studying - you will eventually meet people that can take your mind off things.

Do I leave or stay?

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Hey i can relate relate alot to you when it comes to my relationship.. Ive been with my bf for quite a while we live with eachother we do everthing with eachother its like we\'re married yet im only 19..its not a bad thing but at times it does make me question what going on? What am i doing with my life? We love eachother to death i know that forsure but most of the time im questioning my morals.. Im still with him after hea cheated on me multiple times after hes gotten physical and loud with me..but for some starnge reason i cant seem to let him go..but hearing your story is an eye opener it assures me that im not the only one out there who feels stuck.. Its going to be hard but do what is truly right for you and only you dont think about if youre hurting him cus thats what i do all the time and its getting me nowhere.if you feel that your constantly questioning your own values its time let go for you!

Do I leave or stay?

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Please go, the fact that he's standing over you and yelling at you shows the dysfunction in this situation. I have family who ate addicts this can be extremely hard to deal with. However finding another man to depend is not the solution. Find love in yourself and you won't need to be tied down with men who may not be good for you. At 18 you have some major responsibility and I congratulate you for being so strong. Use that strength o end this situation and use the time and energy to make a better you. At 18 you have so much life left don't waste it on men. Look for programs and things that will help you , get into a support group maybe church if religious.

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