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Is my relationship worth it?

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I would say this is my first real/serious relationship I have ever been in. I'm still learning what's right or wrong. But its so difficult and sometimes emotionally draining being with someone who is so distrustful of me or anyone else. He's had bad past relationships and been cheated on... He's letting his old relationships affect our new one. And he knows it because he's brought it up before and how its unfair. Being together on our good days, it usually is super happy and we both are in a very sweet mood. But always feels like "oh its been so nice lately, I wonder when he will getad again...". I'm pretty calm in a relationship I let things slide easily... So I have made the mistake of hiding talking to another male, and deleting the messages (even tho I had nothing to hide, I just knew that he wouldn't really like it . ) that was my bad, but he just doesn't trust anything I say or do... He keeps his life a little more privately and really likes to know what I'm up to all the time... A little jelleousy can be cute; but sometimes its too much I think... And ever since after my last mistake the one I mentioned earlier things just feel weird. I fear pissing him off again, or him thinking I'm lying or hiding something again... He says he doesn't mind me having make friends as long as I didn't become super close to them. But anytime I talk to a guy he usually gets weirded out. . . we plan to hang out, he says later on. So all day we barely talk which I don't mind. But my family wanted to do something and I tell him I'm gonna do this then we can hang out. I let him know an hour later that I'm gonna go home. So I'm keeping him waiting and then he gets butt hurt. But then, the other day I was waiting for him pretty much an hour and a half and he was with his friend. Its OK to keep me waiting but when I do that its a problem... When we go out to parties on nights we aren't fighting, which can be rare we go together he acts like a couple and stuff. But I have to introduce myself to his friends or people he knows. He doesn't ever introduce me. And another thing its hard talking about our feelings and where we stand in person. Its always on text he likes to cause a problem or complain. I really liked him at first but with the constant fighting I find myself unhappy more than I am happy. We've only been together for four months so we are still getting to know each other. I was so scared of losing him during our last fight. But after we agreed to work on things a little more one night I randomly felt weird, I was hanging out with my family and a couple of friends and I found myself having more fun than I was when he is around me... He can make me so happy, then so sad pretty often. Its real difficult talking to anyone about these issues because people think maybe he's in it for the sex, friends will say "don't put out!" Well if we are working on things I feel like it should be OK... Sometimes I stress and think too hard about things but I just feel sketched out by him can't tell if what we are doing is serious, what If I end up in a situation I don't know what to do to get out of, am I happier without, am I missing out on real fun and real people because Im worried about him? Its rare to get,him,to hang out with my family or friends. He kind of has his own people and my kind of people aren't really his type maybe... But remembering him come out with all of us before we were dating he seemed happier and different. I don't know what to think of this situation...

Is my relationship worth it?

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If he's had bad relationships in the past and has been cheated on, then there's a good chance he could be emotionally shutdown. He's obviously selfish and self centered going by your post. If he can't trust you then where IS your relationship? Your relationship needs trust from both of you for it to survive. If you guys don't or can't have trust then you have no business being together. If he doesn't share your values and standards and his kind of people aren't your kind, then what do you share together? If he doesn't have the manners to introduce you to people he knows, then what is this telling you? If you find yourself more unhappy than happy with him and you're starting to enjoy yourself more away from him then it's telling you exactly where you stand with him. And if you're starting to wonder about if your missing out on other things in life because you're with him???....this whole relationship is your bad.

Is my relationship worth it?

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Agree with Manalone. What your bf's saying and doing are two different things, aren't they. Your bf is simply not ready to risk it for a biscuit. His ego's still too wounded and his efforts still too geared towards getting all the perks of a relationship, both emotional and practical, without doing the corresponding work - one facet of which is bog-standard risking repeat disappointment and heartbreak. Different if you'd been with each other a year+ already, meaning dark-to-light ratio at 70-30 or thereabouts with this just a blip, but already yours sounds like 30-70, plus...IT DOESN'T TEND TO GET *BETTER*. Right Person (intrinsically, when not baggage-ridden), Right Place, WRONG TIME. All you can do, given how talking is achieving nothing, is react with your feet. Break up with him and either move onto the next automatic upgrade of partner, or see whether he takes your ultimate critique over his behaviour as his sign to tackle his baggage without involving you so much whilst improving his conduct.

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