Why??? What's the point???

MAU33 - Sep 8 2014 at 16:12
Last Friday, I went for a party and met the most amazing man in the world. We were drawn to each other like magnets and we just have an amazing connection. In all my 33yrs of being alive, I have never felt anything like this- It's honestly like the movies. Sounds corny but it's true. All our mutual friends were very shocked because of our intense and visible chemistry. There is one MAJOR problem though... he is married... for 2 years and now there's a baby on the way. I spent 2 nights and 2 days with him but we didn't have sex. Not because we didn't want to but because we both know that if we go that far, it will not end well... There will be divorce and illegitimate children etc. This is a fact.
So, we agreed that we cannot be friends, or hang out ever again although he has my number and we have a million mutual friends. Our friends told me that he has never cheated on his wife because he is not that man. Even though everyone (including his parents) were against their marriage,he did it anyway and apparently, they are not a good fit. Having said that, I cannot be his mistress...I don't date married men. He says it's inevitable that we will make love in the future and I'm very conflicted just thinking about it. On the one hand, I feel like this is the perfect man for me- my soul mate ( minus the married bit) and on the other hand, I know I deserve a single man who will love me. I honestly feel like if I go down this "mistress" route, then that's it.. that will be my legacy and that's a crippling thought. But then there's a small voice that asks me "what is the point of it all? Why did we meet? WHY???" Can you guys please help me figure this out? Logically, I know I should not even be considering going down that route... but honestly, I can't help thinking about it. Thanks.
Your responsibilty to yourself is to remain true to yourself and stay away from a married man, regardless of the chemistry. It's no use making excuses and stating that his marriage is no good and hasn't the approval of his parents etc..he is still married.
If he's not happily married, then he needs to work on it and if he can't resolve any issues then he has to move on from it himself without your influence. Who cares if they are not a perfect couple. He's about to become a father and he needs to provide for the baby and his wife.
If you have stated here that you won't be anyone's mistress, then don't be. For your own sanity, stay away from this guy and block him on your phone. Give him and yourself every chance to get on with your lives separately.
I must start off by saying that I am beginning to question if todays posts are ACTUALLY GENUINE but either way, I will give this one a go.
Strangely enough, but you do come across as being a person who is quite clued on BUT your trail of thought reflcts quite differently.
You say ALL your mutual friends were shocked because of your intense and visible chemistry? First off, if they DID make such observation to you then they are neither classed as his friends nor yours. REAL friends would not voice out such observation knowing that HE is a married man with a baby on the way and YOU are a single woman.
You say everyone, including his parents were against their marriage? To me, that shows how much he was in love with his girlfriend and against all odds, he still wanted her to be his WIFE and made her his wife.
His friend has said he has never cheated on his wife. That shows he is a good, loving, husband. He however, has said it will be inevitable that you both will make love? Now, you say his wife is having a baby? So yes, that makes sense, perfect timing too I guess and typical scenario. His wife is dealing with her pregnancy, depending on how far she is, she is either too sick to even consider being intimate with him OR she is heavily pregnant so again, she is unable to get intimate with him so!!!!, he is probably feeling a little left out, unloved and instead of thinking with his mind, he is probably thinking from another part of his bodily organs, hence, the statement to you about inevitably 'making love'
Now, you ask us to help you figure this out. Why did you both have to meet? Why!!!?? My explanation is..You met because you were at a party. Usually at parties, there are these things called 'humans' and without humans there would be no party or human interaction, so my guess is that was the reason you both met. Maybe someone else can give a better more logical explanation as to why you both met but that is all I could think of.
After spending only 4 days with him you have already called him your soul mate, you have already imagined divorce, children and you both living happily ever after. Apologies for either missing a vital point or maybe not understanding the post but HE IS MARRIED WITH A BABY ON THE WAY.
Yup. Yup. And yup.
But what you also posed, MAU33, was a philosophical question: why is this temptation being thrown onto your path if it can prove nothing but futile at best and destructive at worst?
It's a test from Fate to toughen you up. You clearly could do with pumping your self-discipline muscles (ready for something future unseen), for which you need heavy-duty PRACTISE.
He's a dumbbell. And your choice is to use him/it as such so that you don't become a dumb belle. (LOL, sorry, couldn't resist!)
Good for you for seeking help and support with resisting, though - thumbs-up!! :-)
You have raised very right question "Why" it shows that you are alert about life.First I have to congratulate you for that.
The first question why we got this life?
To Enjoy? or to Educate ourselves?
If we are pigs then we say only Enjoy.and if we are human then answer is To Educate.
In this process life poses some questions against us.and it checks out our answers against it.If we want enjoyment we get it but then our grade is of animal life at end. and then we have to be ready for consequences.If you chose Education It is painful at start but a precious human life at end.Which is true and long living sweet fruit.Now decision is yours.